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(1) The youth patterned his life upon Benjamin Franklin. (2) Benjamin received cards from scores of local well-wishers. (3) "I'm astonished, Benjamin," she mocked. (4) Benjamin struck a post with an overhead kick. (5) Benjamin Britten did not live to a great age. (6) Interestingly enough, a few weeks later, Benjamin remarried. (7) Benjamin fumbled for the light switch. (8) I'll show it to Benjamin. He's bound to know. (9) A few hours later Benjamin shook me awake. (10) With his handsome face Benjamin cuts quite a figure with all the ladies. (11) Benjamin said that he had been rather overawed to meet one of the Billington family. (12) Benjamin and I needed no second bidding. (13) Benjamin had powerful backing in the Yorkshire cricket committee. (14) Sit down, Benjamin, I have terrible news. (15) Benjamin hastened over and grasped the woman's shoulder. (16) Benjamin did while I glanced around. (17) Benjamin is functionally competent at last. (18) A true Renaissance man, Benjamin Daunbey. (19) The obituary of Benjamin James Titford. (20) Coppertone was invented by Miami Beach physician Benjamin Green. (21) Oh, Benjamin, could you do me a favor? (22) Benjamin and Agrippa had fallen strangely silent. (23) Benjamin and Agrippa, chests heaving, cleaned their weapons. (24) Benjamin nudged me as Westminster Abbey came into view. (25) Now Benjamin and I were most subtle. (26) The office complex was designed by Mitchell Benjamin. (27) Benjamin Bradlee, the dashing Washington bureau chief for Newsweek. (28) Five of the chateau soldiers were killed and Benjamin had a small cut high on his cheek. (29) Benjamin whispered to her and I heard her hissed reply, followed by silence. (30) Just seven days later, Benjamin O.. Davis was named the first black general in the regular army.