快好知 kuaihz

1) Among the three who stumbled was Shan Ying in the 100 freestyle. 2) Darren Shan is the pseudonym for Darren Shaughnessy. 3) " Don't be so silly, Pei - shan! 4) Shan Kwong water, the landscape is like a soundtrack. 5) Did you go with Gu Ming and Hu Shan? 6) Two new species of Zingiber from Emei Shan. 7) Four new species of Athyriaceae from Emei Shan, Sichuan. 8) Tide Shan cultural source flow out length. 9) Shan Dong province hospital devises Hando - Video Assisted thoracic esophagectomy in 2002. 10) The Hong Shan public square is dismantled as a memento soon! 11) If the Shan and Kachin had come , we might have got somewhere. 12) Where are Kun Shan City articles of everyday use and fruit terminal market in? 13) One new species of Dryopteris from Lao Shan, Shandong Province. 14) Inland Shan Ye manages lacks the competitive power, must walk mixes industry the management pathway. 15) Distribution: Tai Mo Shan, Ng Tung Chai. Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi. Vietnam. 16) For 1861 years Shan tou first city for quilt formal open up for external trade port. 17) I love you you are my Juliet, I would like to become your liang shan bo. 18) Guests stay overnight in a Taoist monastery and climb to the peak of Mount Wudang Shan to welcome the sunrise. 19) The hill peoples were sending their representatives to a gathering at Panglong in the Shan States. 20) The critic tried to appraise the poetry of Han Shan. 21) This astronaut photograph provides a view of the central Tien Shan, about 64 kilometers (40 miles) east of where the borders of China, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan meet. 22) Following him absently, Fan Po - wen asked, " Have you seen Pei - shan anywhere? " 23) By contrast, the Audiology training I received at Chung Shan Medical University at the bachelor level largely focused on acquiring basic medical knowledge and specific clinical protocol. 24) I am a bit terrified first, beetle-crusher is already gone a week, who opens such fun?Realized among them stimulation subsequently, called up A Shan. 25) " It's about Wei - cheng and Ching - shan , " he said timidly. 26) There is a common view that this kilns porcelain clay which was used in shaping came from Bijia Shan itself and Feitianyan Shan. 27) The side clearance required certificate of origin, foreign trade contracts, declarations, Lu Shan, box single invoice. 28) Magnanimousness, tastefulness, popularity and gracefulness are basic traits and characters of Shan cuisine. 29) The arrangements accepted in this Agreement are without prejudice to the financial autonomy now vested in the Federated Shan States. 30) China go on waiting lists to pay more than $ 600 (about two months average wages) to send their overfed offspring to Xiang Shan hospital, and others in Beijing and Tianjin.