signal detection造句61 The paper investigated the relation between the sample number and the performances of signal detection and paramater estimation in correlative Gaussian noise within a fixed time T.
62 It was a development for traditional psychophysics method that signal detection theory was led into the field of psychological research.
63 Integrated system to consider the various factors affecting development of the corresponding signal detection and vehicle speed automatic adjustment system.
64 This paper introduces cross-correlation detection theory and maximum likelihood theory and based on the two theories, puts forward a new method for weak signal detection.
65 The receiver structure based on discrete-time bistable system is designed for the constant binary signal detection, and it is compared with the matched filter in some cases of non-Gaussian noise.
66 Like single - antenna systems, synchronization , equalization, and signal detection are required in multiple - antenna systems.
67 The paper presents a real-time seismic signal detection method, based on z Transformation, for the observation station which is equipped with accelerograph.
68 Signal detection under low signal-noise ratio in passive detection is increasingly needed.
69 In this parer, a realizable technique for tenuity light signal detection of fiber grating sensing system is presented.
70 The technologies of light-to-current conversion, difference amplifier and filtering were used; the problem of weak signal detection was solved; various noises were decreased or restrained effectively.