amyloid造句31. In 22 cases ( 75 . 9 % ), there was amyloid in the stroma ( asdetermined by Congo Red Staining ).
32. What is the involvement of amyloid in the course and symptoms of Downs'Syndrome?
33. Acini contain a small amount of secretions, but few have amyloid precursor.
34. Such collections of amyloid add to renal bulk, but diminish renal function.
35. The neurites swell where ceroid collects, and amyloid, or senile, plaques characteristic of the disease form on the outside of the swollen neurites.
36. After this incubation amyloid A protein, as found in "secondary" amyloidosis or in Familial Mediterranean Fever, loses its affinity for Congo red, whereas amyloid L protein does not.
37. There are also characteristic amyloid deposits that stain with Congo red.
38. Three weeks of chronic sleep deprivation was enough to accelerate the deposition of amyloid plaque in the brains of the mice.
39. Studies show that amyloid A fibril, amyloid enhancing factor, amyloid P component, apolipoprotein E and heparan sulfate proteoglycans may take part in the occurrence and development of the disease.
40. So drugs that prevent this amyloid – prion coupling could be a potent weapon against Alzheimer's.
41. This important process, called neurotransmission, is impaired by amyloid proteins, which build up to abnormally high levels in brains of AD patients and are widely thought to cause the disease.
42. Here the amyloid fibril protein is designated AFp and appears to be chemically related to prealbumin.
43. A Congo red stain will demonstrate the pink material to be amyloid.
44. This may account for the apparent limitation of susceptibility to amyloid deposition to only a relatively small percentage of patients with, for instance, myelomatosis.
45. Intriguingly, the patients brains were riddled with tangles, but not amyloid plaques.
46. Objective : To analyze the causes of misdiagnosis of amyloid nephropathy.
47. Beta is the secretion of amyloid beta protein produced the key enzyme.
48. In the early 1850's Virchow was led by the appearance of the tissue deposits of amyloid to suggest that it had a polysaccharide composition.