快好知 kuaihz

1. Critics have expressed doubts about the draughtsmanship of both artists. 2. You have to admire her superb draughtsmanship. 3. I think it is ugly and perhaps one of the worst examples of Leonardo's draughtsmanship. 4. One of the most notable features of this mosaic is its. variable quality of draughtsmanship and execution. 5. And you can learn an awful lot from good draughtsmanship. 6. The second technical achievement which goes some way to explaining Ramsay's success, is his superb draughtsmanship. 7. On the whole, therefore, a rather crude kind of draughtsmanship is implied. 8. Some branches go in for quite lavish posters, some make do with local draughtsmanship. 9. Here Picasso is more irreverent than ever, but never obscene-the elegance of his draughtsmanship sees to that. 10. His interests ranged everywhere and all his investigations were recorded in the faultless draughtsmanship that makes his surviving notebooks so interesting. 11. The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings.