快好知 kuaihz

(1) Luke came in with his hands in his pockets. (2) Luke inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement. (3) Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him. (4) Luke had an amazingly retentive memory. (5) Luke gave her a cool look . (6) Luke can be a real pill sometimes. (7) Business always came first with Luke. (8) Brother Luke will say grace. (9) Underneath his outgoing behaviour Luke was shy. (10) Luke will soon be four . (11) Luke answered by tightening his grip on her shoulder. (12) Luke shed his clothes onto the floor. (13) Luke munched the chicken sand-wiches. (14) Luke didn't trouble to hide his disgust. (15) Luke made an obscene gesture with his finger. (16) I heard a rumour that she'd been seeing Luke Harrison. (17) Luke was sitting at his desk, one hand cupping his chin . (18) Luke was forced to cancel the family vacation to Acapulco. (19) Luke never tells you the whole story, but you always get the picture. (20) A man like Luke had no need to force his attentions on unwilling women. (21) She and Luke have a difference of opinion over how much money they should spend. (22) No, don't give Luke any candy - it'll make him hyper. (23) Stop playing games, Luke, and tell me what you want. (24) Luke looked momentarily distracted. (25) A man like Luke had no need to force his attentions on disinclined women. (26) Luke took her arm in a firm grasp and led her through the gate. (27) Did Luke sell them? And, if so , what happened to the money? (28) Luke pointed out two large birds by the water's edge. (29) Luke perfected his cooking skills after he got married. (30) Storming out of her room, she went slap into Luke.