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181 G. M. 's chief financial officer, Christopher Liddell, said that the company was hitting its internal targets as it prepared for an initial offering of stock. 182 Soon after landing at South Korea's Incheon Airport, Tuesday, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill confirmed he will be heading to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, Wednesday. 183 CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: A storm with a misleadingly pleasant name recently brought death and destruction to parts of North America. 184 The capital of St. Christopher-Nevis, on St. Christopher Island in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies. Population, 4,725. 185 Yunbo: Christopher, what an excellent game ! You're a terrific hockey player. 186 And since its founding as a tent theater in 1953, the fest has attracted such famous guest actors as Paul Scofield, James Mason, Julie Harris, Alan Bates, Maggie Smith and Christopher Plummer . 187 Also making the step up is last season's U18s goalkeeper Christopher Oldfield (18), who didn't play in the Youth Cup but joined the reserves on their recent trip to Holland. 188 Christopher Fry, who began as an actor, was successful as a writer of verse drama. 189 Film For The Few – Making of featurette with Guy Hamilton, Michael Caine, Susannah York, Christopher Plummer and Bernard Williams. 190 Published in 1977, Christopher Alexander's A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, contains the collective wisdom of world cultures on centuries of building human housing. 191 It relieved professional chorister Christopher Nemec to see the young people bring dedication and skill to the chorus, an art form many have feared may be dying out. 192 Christopher S. Henshilwood, of the University of Bergen in Norway and the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, led the team of researchers from Australia, France, Norway and South Africa. 193 "There's real concern about the policy risks in Europe, "says Christopher O'Brien, the head of North American market development for Oerlikon Solar. 194 English Renaissance achieved its first expression_r_r in the so-called Elizabethan drama. Its first exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare. 195 Christopher Marlowe was one of the greatest pioneers of English drama before Shakespeare. 196 Spain's Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand agreed to provide ships, crew and supplies for an exploration by an Italian seaman, Christopher Columbus. 197 With Sir Christopher Wren's cathedral as a backdrop, Mr Brown insisted "markets need morals" and claimed he was something of a lone voice in arguing in the past that markets should be restrained. 198 The US wants Christopher Coke extradited stand trial on drug trafficking charges. 199 On hearing her routine, Christopher Hitchens, a polemicist, remarked that "when comedians flatter the president, they become court jesters, and the country becomes a banana republic." 200 CHRISTOPHER KUZAWA: "Having high levels of testosterone can increase your risk for diseases like prostate cancer [and] testicular cancer. 201 He will hold an open-air mass in the capital Yaounde and he'll outline the program for a Synod on Africa to be held later this year. Our religious affairs correspondent Christopher Landau reports. 202 It stems from the Carib Indians, who were discovered by Christopher Columbus. 203 Take Christopher Merrill, 21, a third-year undergraduate in computer science. 204 English Renaissance achieved its first expression in the so-called Elizabethan drama. Its first exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare. 205 "We don't know how much dark matter is outside of what we're measuring," says galaxy modeller Christopher Mihos of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. 206 Led by Christopher Gobler of Stony Brook University in New York, a team of researchers grew Northern quahog clams and Atlantic bay scallops under varying CO2 concentrations. 207 Baker was Secretary of State under Republican President George H.W. Bush, and Christopher held the same office under Democratic President Bill Clinton. 208 Named San Salvador prior to 1925, Cat Island has been put forward as a candidate for where Christopher Columbus may have made his first landfall in the Americas. 209 Many alternative authors have been suggested most prominently , Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon. 210 Independence between the Blue Cross and Tenet Health System Hospital Hahnemann University Hospital and St. Christopher, in the current decade.