快好知 kuaihz

1. Several journalists were caught in machine-gun fire. 2. From across the town came the rattle of machine-gun fire. 3. He was shot by a terrorist with a machine-gun. 4. They raked the streets with machine-gun fire. 5. The platoon was pummeled by heavy machine-gun fire. 6. The soldiers let fly with a hail of machine-gun fire. 7. There were two basic types of machine-gun. 8. The air force created airborne units versed in machine-gun strafing and rocket-launching operations in support of ground troops. 9. Houses have been invaded at night by machine-gun wielding thugs. 10. The first burst from his machine-gun hammered through Dangerfield's weary back and smashed his instrument panel. 11. One trooper told the inquest his machine-gun jammed twice - then started firing by itself. 12. Even as the funeral took place, guerrillas hidden nearby fired/let off a fresh volley of machine-gun fire. 13. From somewhere too close for comfort came the sound of machine-gun fire. 14. There came the sound of men shouting and a burst of machine-gun fire. 15. We learned to sleep through tremendous noises, such as outgoing mortar or artillery or machine-gun fire. 16. Connors's voice sounded above the crackle of his own machine-gun fire. 17. I was very cautious on takeoff and avoided the old machine-gun position by making a sharp turn as we cleared the trees. 18. Is there anything wrong with watching a crash landing or listening to rattling machine-gun repeatedly? 19. Now and again there was a tiny puff of smoke and the smack of a hand-grenade or a burst of machine-gun fire. 20. At that moment, a car drove up and a gunman in it sprayed the boys with a machine-gun. 21. His father's famous counterattack in the Daily Mirror sounds like the machine-gun rattle of an old-fashioned typewriter. 22. Each card displayed a pager number and a drawing of an old-time gangster spraying machine-gun fire from a vintage car. 23. Miles ahead of us the lead company in the battalion was reporting machine-gun fire near the pass at 3000 feet. 24. Varney laughed; his mouth opened and out came the staccato machine-gun pants. 25. From at least three different directions, they opened up on our three ships and the off-loading grunts with machine-gun crossfire. 26. In March 1985 she allegedly took part in a machine-gun attack on a police patrol and television technicians at a sports centre. 27. The average tusk weight has dropped from Poachers ambush elephants, machine-gun them and then hack their tusks out. 28. The adjutant found Woolley with the armourer, checking ammunition before he allowed his machine-gun drums to be filled. 29. At the historic Taj hotel in the southern tip of the city late Friday, the air was filled with the sound of grenades, sporadic machine-gun fire and helicopters hovering overhead. 30. We would assemble in the pitch-black luggage room in the dormitory basement, and all we could hear was the clatter of machine-gun fire, like rainfall on lotus leaves.