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1 Magnus was found dead in his car. 2 Magnus seized the opportunity and led his troops forward. 3 Magnus has a far better time than I do. 4 Magnus the Pious is one of the most famous historical figures in the Empire and one of its greatest Emperors. 5 The second army, led by Magnus himself, marched to Kislev hoping to reprovision at the capital before continuing northwards. 6 Magnus had led the human defence of the Empire and, desperate for help, had sent to the Elves for aid. 7 At a special ceremony Magnus Magnusson presented the £1000 award to the group's 81 year old chairman George Campbell. 8 It is only fair to Magnus Magnusson and the new structures that they be given time to prove themselves. 9 Magnus grew fat on brown wholemeal scraps and Gina gave up trying to keep him away. 10 The man was Magnus Olesen, and he and Muus did not exchange three words all afternoon. 11 WEAPONS/ARMOUR: Magnus wears a suit of heavy armour with shield and carries a sword. 12 And apparently she had really loved Magnus, and competed with Stella in caring for him. 13 In hand-to-hand combat Magnus may strike a single Mighty Blow instead of his usual hand-to-hand attacks. 14 Magnus was either dragged out of sanctuary from a church on Egilsay or he voluntarily surrendered himself to his enemies. 15 Power of Sigmar Magnus the Pious is protected by the awesome power of Sigmar guarding over him. 16 Magnus could have made one of his rude jokes which would really have got Claire going. 17 Magnus, I thought, was a spasmo, spotty piece of elephant dung. 18 He assured Magnus that he would be on hand. 19 The following day Presley drove Magnus over to Guadalajara to take train for San Francisco. 20 Magnus Derrick had formally and definitely refused his adherence to the scheme. 21 This lateral deflection of a ball in flight is generally known as the "Magnus effect". 22 The nameplate, carrying the paper's title and emblem, will be unveiled by the editor,[www.] Magnus Linklater. 23 The pilot of a puma helicopter flying between the Magnus Oil platform and another platform when he saw two bombers ahead of him. 24 He left behind a closetful of fine suits and white shirts, which Magnus also put to the torch. 25 In the battle that followed the Chaos Hordes were defeated and Magnus returned home in triumph. 26 Level 30 Mining and a pickaxe to help Miner Magnus. 27 Objective: To provide anatomy data for the transposition of vascularized flap of magnus adductor muscle tendon to repair the defected tibial collateral ligament. 28 The hippocampus can change the activity of lateral habenular nucleus-nucleus raphe magnus system, by which the transmission of pain impulses can be controlled. 29 Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers, old friends, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar. 30 Frary also considers the inertial cross - coupling effects together with the contribution from the Magnus derivatives.