快好知 kuaihz

have at造句
61 By s. 282 of the 1985 Act every public company must have at least two directors. 62 Table 5 indicates the best available information I have at time of writing. 63 Going through that rigmarole wouldn't protect what we have at all. 64 But 20 years have at least seen her interests come in from the cold. 65 Ideally we like to have at minimum five females per three males. 66 The one mechanism they have at their immediate disposal to stimulate growth is the exchange rate of their currencies. 67 In many developed countries, politicians have at last realised the promise offered by the magnificent achievements of computer hardware engineers. 68 We have at times withdrawn tactfully from a weak sponsor to align with a new sponsor who is more powerful. 5. 69 Chances are you have at least one television set in your home that is used by most members of your family. 70 Have at you! shouted the swordsman, striking his opponent. 71 Glogg: Aha ! All right! Have at it, boys! 72 Hackers do not have at a loose end more. 73 But does not have at present the vehicle valuably. 74 Most computers have at least one floppy disk drive. 75 Cannot create table. A table must have at least one cell, and the number of cells must not exceed 5,000. 76 The village is said to have at least 12 spectres, including a highwayman, a phantom monk, the hanging body of a schoolmaster and a poltergeist in the local pub. 77 Try to have at least one well-informed opinion about the task at han. 78 We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent , godly , modest morning service. 79 Those bailouts have at least in part led to the second major concern facing investors -- sovereign risk stemming from uncontrolled spending. 80 But the destruction through the reverse process is much faster. We have at least one step, out of the intermediate, which is faster than the step into the intermediate. 81 Most marathoner runners I know have at least one story about a marathon spectator who they wanted to strangle in the middle of their race. 82 Absoluteness again how, still have at least a remembers there. 83 You will want to have at least one Aquarius at any gathering. 84 The intake and exhaust shafts are geared to the rotor shaft and have at least one opening each that is aligned with the intake and the exhaust valve ports. 85 This week America can claim more credibly than any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind. 86 But since the 1990s villages have at least had the nominal power to elect their own heads (real power is often still held by unelected Communist Party secretaries). 87 The criticisms have at least an element of truth and validity. 88 You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least one dollar bill on your person. 89 The ultimate is have at least 8 channels of compression and at least 4 channels of noise gates for a 24 track recording. 90 His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger.