快好知 kuaihz

1 The Yangtze River rolls on eastwards. 2 The Yangtze River falls into the East China sea. 3 The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east. 4 The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year. 5 Cryptogamic flora of the Yangtze Delta and adjacent regions. 6 The Yangtze River pours itself into the sea. 7 I live at the upper end the Yangtze River. 8 It's very difficult to swim across the Yangtze River. 9 Warlords from Szechuan stopped sending rice down the Yangtze. 10 The Yangtze discharges itself into the Yellow Sea. 11 The bridge stands majestic astride the Yangtze River. 12 The Yangtze River takes its rise from the Qinghai. 13 The waterfrontalong the Yangtze River are precious natural resources. 14 The Yangtze Delta region price mediation and supervision mechanism work session was held in Ningbo recently. 15 Overall the land use changes in the Yangtze River basin may intensify the hydrological cycle of the basin,[www.] which should increase summer precipitation and streamflow. 16 The water quality evolvement process in Yangtze River drainage area is believed as a complex network system, with having lots of nodes and correlating to the downflow. 17 Jiujiang is the thoroughfare connecting Yangtze River's north and south. 18 One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with luxuriantly green sceneries. 19 Yangtze River Road, Kwong Yuen Buick 4 S shop opposite second - hand car market. 20 This year water levels in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze are unusually high. 21 The Ordovician lithofacies and biofacies change greatly at different localities of the Yangtze Region, South China. 22 In addition, fossil Homo sapiens from the sediment provides a new data of palaeoanthropology for studying Lower Middle Yangtze River. 23 Three Gorges Project is the backbone project for the Yangtze river basin development and harnessing. 24 Ichthyolatry in tribes near water is a common phenomenon. Fish Gods remains are easily found in the Yangtze River Basin, Yellow River Basin, and Weihe Basin. 25 By field research, data analysis and experiment data test as wall as comparing with other studys, we determined the aeolic feature of the sand?dune in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. 26 It is affluent in lipoxygenase null mutants in the soybean germplasm from Yangtze River and its south region, and the absence frequency is 18.48%, and most of the null mutants are single gene absence. 27 Ryegrass - rice cropping system is rapidly developed in middle - and - lower reaches of Yangtze River in recent years. 28 Company is the company that provides the earliest inland feeder service in the Yangtze River, while at present, over 32 shipping companies have engaged in the service in Shanghai. 29 The results showed that the radioactivity levels of each nuclide in Yangtze River water system were still lower than that of background, and did not cause contamination. 30 In China, conservation efforts have already failed to protect the Yangtze River dolphin, the first large aquatic mammal to go extinct since the Caribbean monk seal in the 1950s.