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61, Departures from seasonal jobs, such as Census taker, are not counted. 62, It is shown that the large changes of spin-waves take place when the effect of uniaxial anisotropy is taker into account. 63, Golan Levin, an artist, designed a large, elephant like snout, dubbed Double - Taker at passing pedestrians. 64, Sonny handed the toll taker the dollar bill and waited for his change. 65, The liquid measure in taker car was still relied on hand work at present. 66, This is the difference between me and a real adventurer, a real risk taker. 67, Countless times—as I'm being introduced to give a slide show, for instance –someone will refer to me as a "risk taker." 68, Meanwhile, he says,'with this overhang of depressed asset prices, every risk - taker is buying old assets. 69, In terms of the company's scale and market share in the market, it will compete as a price taker or a price maker. 70, That, more than any reason is why the U.S. government - right or wrong - has stepped in to become the risk taker of last resort. 71, The employee who fearlessly faces challenges as the biggest risk taker.