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net cash造句
(1) Net cash inflow has increased by 20%. (2) The Wetherby, Yorkshire company now has £600,000 net cash. (3) Investing institutions expect a net cash inflow of £30 billion-40 billion this year. (4) National Medical generated $ 193 million in net cash from operations in 1994. (5) Net cash fell slightly to £2.2m this time from £2.3m last. (6) Net cash position Practically everything that I have said about borrowing is applicable to cash, in reverse. (7) Therefore net cash balances comprise cash and cash equivalents together with money market deposits. (8) Net cash flow is the inflows less the outflows. (9) Net cash flow: Assumed equal to income less tax. (10) With analysis of cash flow, the net cash flow is not ideal, and true cash flow depends completely on fund raising. (11) That compares with estimated net cash inflows of almost $ 10 billion for 2008. (12) Net cash flow from operating activities and its growth rate are negative. (13) Index : it reflects net operating activities and net cash flow relations. (14) Information of net cash flow and net profit supplement each other. (15) In the half it used up £21m of this provision, and the net cash outflow of the group was £40m. (16) It was easily affordable: the rights issue last year strengthened the finances and left year end net cash of £77m. (17) The company now makes up 62% of total group turnover, and has increased net cash balances from £500,000 to £1.6m. (18) After starting last year with net debt of £6.3m, it now has net cash of almost £4m. (19) Total inflows minus total outflows results in the predicted net cash gain or loss during the month. (20) The problem with a high-tech start-up is that you have a net cash outflow. (21) Despite the costs of launching Carlton Television, the company still has a strong balance sheet, with net cash of £50.3m. (22) In other words, it is the rate that equates future net cash flows to the initial investment outlay. (23) One solution to this agency problem is to have no alienable residual claims and to contract with donors to apply all net cash flows to output. (24) On the basis cash possession is calculated after using net cash flow analysis and Miller - Orr Model. (25) Driven by more profits, the real controllers of the enterprises will seek equity financing targeted to increased net assets and net cash flow. (26) At the end of the service life of an asset, the net cash flow received or paid for the disposal of the asset. (27) And the future capital gains can be expressed in terms of dividend, net profit, profit before interest and tax, and net cash flow, etc. (28) Choose finance the net present value method, based on net cash flows in accordance with the various sources of the project, identified as risk variables, and a detailed exposition and analysis. (29) From their relationship, the author found that the calculating formula of net cash flow(NCF) in the book named Financial Management for national accounting qualification test is inappropriate. (30) Why is a company's Net Income different from its net cash increase for the year?