快好知 kuaihz

1) You would be well-advised to accept his offer. 2) You would be well-advised to stay at school this time. 3) We have been well-advised and there were leading brokers, like Cazenove, involved in all these transactions. 4) You would be well-advised to stay at home today. 5) He would be well-advised to keep quiet, otherwise I really will get mad and that will not be pleasant for him, " Hoeness said." 6) As for the well-advised attitude to the positivism and objectivism which was reflected repeatedly by the contrast about two world, it was more sufficient and specific expression about Life-Word. 7) You would be well-advised to see the doctor about that pain. 8) As for the well-advised attitude to the positivism and objectivism which was reflected repeatedly by the contrast about two world, i... 9) Suffer this effect, you can be made more well-advised buy a decision. 10) She had been well-advised , now it's time to take a legal action against him. 11) He thought the government would be well-advised to mount some sort of publicity drive to get the most at-risk vaccinated, and said he thought it was remiss not to have done so already. 12) You would be well-advised to stay at home tonight . 13) We should let ourselves believe, oneself made well-advised choice, and without doubt, find oneself is good. 14) NOTICE You would be well-advised to memorize the sentences before you want to bear the words in mind. 15) "Anyone with hidden income and gains would be well-advised to make a prompt and complete disclosure," she said. 16) But the South's current president, Roh Moo -hyun, would be well-advised to play down expectations about his summit with Mr Kim in Pyongyang at the end of the month. 17) In this way, it help you becoming more mature, well-advised and less quarrel in interpersonal relationships. 18) With the Internet the most widely used channel for information search, tourism boards at destinations would be well-advised to focus on advertising on the Internet. 19) "The rules of the game have changed, and you would be well-advised to sharpen your act" by getting some speech training, Evans says. 20) An investor in this sort of fund would have been well-advised to have a lot of diversification. 21) Can say, give yourself enterprise filming promo, is the enterprise is the most well-advised choice.