scroll bar造句1) A scroll bar, called the timeline, lets you grab information by date.
2) A scroll bar with up and down arrows above and below lets you move through the contents.
3) Update the position of the scroll bar thumb.
4) Occurs when the control's horizontal scroll bar is clicked.
5) Occurs when the control's vertical scroll bar is clicked.
6) Right Click the scroll bar, select Format Control.
7) Initialize the range and position of the scroll bar.
8) Draws a horizontal scroll bar track with visual styles.
9) Use the scroll bar to display the Time column.
10) Process the scroll bar messages to the window procedure.
11) Draws a vertical scroll bar track with visual styles.
12) There is a horizontal scroll bar of some sort on the bottom. (We arent too set on that particular scroll bar.
13) Use the scroll bar to locate the desired record type.
14) Retrieves the positions of the window's standard horizontal scroll bar.
15) You can then use the horizontal scroll bar to view each field, as shown in Figure 27.
16) The scroll boxes inside the scroll bar indicate your vertical and horizontal location in the document.
17) For example, it illustrates adding a horizontal scroll bar and the searching the list box for a specific item.
18) A horizontal scroll bar for Calendar views has been added.
19) Smaller screen resolutions may require a horizontal scroll bar, depending the fixed layout's width.
20) Handle all processing of mouse messages to the scroll bar.
21) There are other sub-classes for graphical user interface components such as push buttons and scroll bars.
22) Likewise, a peek at a window framed by title bar and scroll bars is enough to evoke the sacraments of Mac.
23) One call might evoke a window, with the standard scroll bars and title bar.
24) Similarly, a value halfway between the bottom and top of the range places the leading edge of the scroll box in the middle of the scroll bar.
25) It is easy to include a horizontal or vertical scroll bar in your application window.
26) When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar.
27) Figure 4 - 7 shows the recommended use of a vertical scroll bar for text.
28) New features of the calendar include federation and a horizontal scroll bar.
29) Thus, if the user drags the thumb on the horizontal scroll bar, the program will not scroll the contents of the window horizontally until the user releases the mouse button.
30) DOIView text formatted to adapt to program window, and use the scroll bar to scroll text.