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internal control造句
61. First paper studies the finance basic theories of the internal control. 62. Reasons for doing so include putting unused cash to use, raising earnings per share, increasing internal control of the company, and obtaining stock for employee stock option plans or pension plans. 63. Internal financial control system include internal control which have a direct impact on the reliability of accounting business, accounting records and accounting statements. 64. Internal control technology is a means to achieve control objectives, including specific policies, plans, standards, personnel and organization and methods. 65. The financial internal control and subtilized control of hotel accounting are discussed in this paper. The ways to subtilized control the income and cost of Kailuan hotel are discussed. 66. When one or more material internal control weaknesses exist, the auditor is required to issue an adverse opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls. 67. The internal control is an important indicant to measure the level of management of modern enterprise. 68. The third part introduces the design principle and method for internal control in construction business enterprise. 69. This paper analyses of China's computerized accounting system of internal control problems. 69.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 70. CPA to provide a special audit report on its internal control system. 71. Standard cost maintenance, product quotation, finance analysis, internal control, ERP maintenance. 72. There are four typical patterns of corporate governance all over the world. They are supreme shareholder model, stakeholders model, employee co-determination model , and internal control model. 73. Internal control of an enterprise group is established on the commission agency between parent company and subsidiary companies. 74. Internal control is a major topic in the field of auditing. 75. The internal control system plays an important role in the enterprise operation. 76. Ensures all internal control measures are strictly adhered to at all times. 77. Internal control theory has approximately evolved through four stages: internal check, internal control, internal control structure and internal control framework. 78. Therefore, for the establishment of a complete business Accounting system of internal control is very important. 79. It fails to establish an internal control and audIt'system in accordance with Article 10 hereof. 80. The internal control can keep enterprise operate safely, well-regulated and accounting record correct. 81. To Supervise the Group's Financial Report Mechanism and Internal Control Program. 82. There are 3 ways for accounting control: basic control, diversing core control and physical control, Internal audit is part of internal control, and also the control of internal control as well. 83. The General Cashier assists the Chief Accountant in overseeing and directing all aspects concerning cash receipt, disbursement and company's bank account, including internal control. 84. Internal control system is an important part in enterprise management. 85. An internal control report motivates management to improve its internal control system. 86. Organized into eleven titles, section 404 requires management to file an internal control report with its annual report. 87. Identify customer requirement by understanding engineering specification, transfer to internal control standard. 88. Afterwards, the author designs purchases and revenue internal control system for a special trade company. 89. The major steps in achieving internal control over cash transactions and cash balance include. 90. Internal control theory has experienced four periods: the internal check system, the internal control system, the internal control structure and the internal control integrated framework.