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stock options造句
1. These figures do not include stock options. 2. Quigley holds 105, 000 unexercised stock options and Dorman holds 50, 000. 3. For example, many corporations reward executives with stock options in addition to salary. 4. They do not have stockholders or stock options for executives. 5. The company offers bonuses, stock options, and a generous benefit package. 6. With stock options added to his $ 700, 000 annual salary, McAllister makes more than a million dollars a year. 7. Total compensation often includes, in addition to salaries, stock options and dividends, and other performance bonuses. 8. And stock options, for decades reserved to the top 400 executives, now have been opened up far wider. 9. In this way stock options have contributed generously to the swelling stock market bubble. 10. Stock options are essentially an accounting anomaly, without which they would never have been so widely adopted. 11. The first part, related to stock options accounting theory. 12. Begin to understand the accounting for stock options. 13. From Stock Options Account to Securities Account. 14. The Stock Options System firstly belongs to area of law. 15. That figure excludes the value of exercised stock options and the vesting of restricted stock. 16. STOCK OPTIONS are the rights for the staff to buy certain amount of general stock of their own company at an agreed price permitted by their company in advance. 17. How many years experience do you have trading Stock Options? 18. Value of stock options, and current return on investments. For a period of at. 19. Stock options provide an opportunity for you to participate in equity ownership of the Company. 20. The official may have gifts likes trips or stock options, or money for professional advice. 21. To be effective, companies should issue 10 percent of new stock options to employees, he said. 22. Traditional rewards for work are material: promotions with in-creased pay, bonuses, stock options, and generous benefit packages. 23. Board members will receive compensation in the form of stock options, as well as salary. 24. Some people who design compensation packages have suggested a possible ceiling on exercising stock options to keep a lid on the wealth. 25. The Black-Scholes model also is widely used for valuing the stock options in the compensation packages of corporate executives. 26. We offer competitive salary and bonus plan. All employees receive stock options. 27. On that day, Eastern Airlines suspended for non - public offering of stock options a major adjustment. 28. However, the US Congress rejected Senator McCain's proposal that stock options be treated as compensation. 29. Buffett for backing the call to account for the cost of stock options more explicitly. 30. Encourage entrepreneurial thinking: This goes beyond profit sharing and stock options.