快好知 kuaihz

1. The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors. 2. On the day in question we were in Cardiff. 3. Huck described his entire adventure on Cardiff Hill. 4. Higher than from the back staircase like Cardiff said. 5. Cardiff has already begun a brighter future. 6. They play Cardiff in the league. 7. Cardiff staggered and almost fell back against Barbara. 8. Since 1988 all fishing boats are registered in Cardiff. 9. They face Gilligan, Portsmouth's new £215,000 striker from Cardiff. 10. Cardiff shook his head, rubbing at his ears. 11. He trained with a small firm in Cardiff. 12. Cardiff foreshore turned up a few conger and codling. 13. The entire frame shuddered, and Cardiff stumbled back. 14. Cardiff pushed through into the offices. 15. He is a Justice of the Peace in Cardiff. 16. Vernon hits the jackpot Cardiff 2, Bath 3. 17. Cardiff gingerly touched the basement door handle with his gloved hands, still watching the others. 18. Duvall licked his lips, looked at Cardiff ... and pulled open the door. 19. When Cardiff had come back from the dead, he had shrunk away back down the hessian-screen corridor towards Rohmer. 20. The inquest in Cardiff heard doctors failed to spot Alison had also broken her collar bone. 21. The handover to Edinburgh, Cardiff and London was botched, but it was Labour that created the new bodies. 22. Once, Cardiff could have imagined himself throwing up at the sight of that horror behind the wheel. 23. They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat in Cardiff. 24. The head office has been transferred from London to Cardiff. 25. He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff. 26. Its round towers and conical turrets peep unexpectedly through the trees on the hills north of Cardiff. 27. The court heard that the crash happened at Pentwyn, Cardiff, after the three celebrated Coombes' first job. 28. There can be no doubt about the need for urban regeneration in the Cardiff docklands. 29. But there is also a feeling that he was manoeuvred out because of a split in the Cardiff camp. 30. The pope has ordered the Roman Catholic archbishop of Cardiff to be replaced until he recovers from deep vein thrombosis.