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91. To make the contents of selected cells align to the right, click the Align Right button on the Formatting toolbar. 92. To center a drawing object on the page, click the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar, and then click Align or Distribute. 93. VB Toolbar Programming category code: special style form the left column, with source and demo. 94. You can quickly filter your view with AutoFilters. To turn AutoFilters on or off, click AutoFilter on the Formatting toolbar. 95. After executing these steps, two new icons will be visible in the Quick Access Toolbar. 96. From within the XML Mapping Editor, you can click the Associate XML files toolbar button and then use the Generate Input button to create and associate a new sample input file. 97. The toolbar is displayed across the top of the application window, below the menu bar. 98. You can toggle view the panel toolbar by pressing + + M. 99. Display the local variable n as a watch expression in the same way, and then step over one statement of myprog using either the toolbar or the GUD buffer. 100. To create an interactive PivotTable, you can use the PivotTable Wizard button on the PivotTable toolbar. 101. If the application has a toolbar, It'should also be considered a recognizable signpost. 102. Main window contains subtitles list, main menu, toolbar, filed of text editing. 103. An important complement to a menu system, the toolbar has proven to be an effective mechanism for providing persistent , direct access to functions. 104. You can invoke the Test Map function from the toolbar (Figure 5) or the context menu of the map (Figure 6). 105. Simply by adding some code frame windows , you can make your toolbar customize dialog works. 106. Tip of the Day: You can display your toolbar buttons in color or in black and white. Choose Toolbars from the View menu and then select or clear the Color Toolbars check box. 107. Be cautious to read the terms and conditions page before you download any toolbar. 108. These can be toggled on or off from the Visualiser Menu toolbar. 109. One is to integrate some function menus such as text display, dialog box display, toolbar etc on the interface. 110. You can ungroup graphic objects by using the Ungroup Objects button on Drawing toolbar. 111. Note: This bitmap's colors will be adjusted to use standard toolbar colors. 112. With a clever and space-saving toolbar, it is compact, well designed, accessible, and fast. 113. The single point "format" on the toolbar "underline" icon twice, can give selected text plus double underlined. 113.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 114. Contains a logical value indicating if a user - defined ToolBar object is docked. 115. Essentially, a toolbar is a single row ( or column ) of visible, immediate, graphical, functions. 116. If you want to see the styling for a particular area on the screen, click Inspect in the Firebug toolbar, and then click on the area/widget on the screen. 117. Accessibility toolbar enabling easy manipulation of web page display and text - to - speech output. 118. This will open an editor with a toolbar pallette with options. 119. Then we utilize Toolbar widget and imagelist widget to achieve the design of the main interface.