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whole lot造句
(31) He went in with no expectations and walked away without a whole lot of disappointment. (32) It must be the whole lot of them, the whole flock and there were hundreds in the field. (33) However, it did not take a whole lot of time to qualify my actions. (34) Of course, we could sell the whole lot without the trouble of hanging them. (35) Virgil said for one thing he looked a whole lot older than he really was. (36) For every winner, there's a loser - or a whole lot of them, more likely. (37) Some people are at the top of the ladder, some are in the middle, still more are at the bottom, and a whole lot more don't even know there is a ladder.Robert H. Schuller (38) Party hats, champagne at midnight and a whole lot of hoopla accompany the country pleasure of the Coyote Band. (39) It was a whole lot better than the old pineapple. (40) Do you read the whole lot, or read the first one and the last one and guess the rest? (41) I didn't back the document up and lost the whole lot. (42) And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine. (43) The two human parcels screwed up on the floor could have fared a whole lot worse. (44) It was in weather like this that she had an urge to take the scissors and cut the whole lot off. (45) There are a whole lot of senators in worse health than Strom Thurmond. (46) He and the son have a whole lot sticking in their craw. (47) In both the music business and the consumer electronics business, a whole lot of shaking out has been going on. (48) When you first learn about computers, there is a whole lot of jargon to understand. (48)try its best to gather and create good sentences. (49) Bob Hope was off the scale altogether and Peter O'Toole was worse than the whole lot put together. (50) Probably in the early afternoon, when visitors look a whole lot less suspicious. (51) Now, doesn't that sound a whole lot more exciting than the next Prodigy video? (52) And lo, there was a whole lot of shaking going on. 11. (53) I said a whole lot of other stuff and I ended up getting severely told off. (54) Being a real ex-Commie used to be a badge of honor among a whole lot of righties. (55) Finally, the front legs can be eased into position, the seat and rails and the whole lot driven home. (56) This recipe is a good approximation and a whole lot easier to accomplish. (57) The tuna fish swim beneath schools of dolphins, fishermen do not discriminate and scoop up the whole lot in their nets. (58) Magistrate Peck's on his way there with a whole lot of militiamen. (59) Basil realised that there was a whole lot more to education than training for livelihood with its over-emphasis on examinations. (60) I like the people a whole lot, but the pay isn't very good.