manufacturing company造句1) Working in a manufacturing company, or as a solicitor or chartered accountant gives invaluable experience.
2) His large manufacturing company was in the throes of hard times.
3) The industrial manufacturing company earned 31 cents a share in its latest fourth quarter, compared with 37 cents a year ago.
4) The study, at a large Fortune 100 manufacturing company, focused on employees who provide personal care to an older relative.
5) The profits of a manufacturing company are achieved by selling the goods it makes at a price in excess of its costs.
6) We attempt the takeover of a manufacturing company.
7) We is attempt the takeover of a manufacturing company.
8) At least 3 years purchase experience in manufacturing company.
9) Experience with several accounting positions in manufacturing company is preferred.
10) How can manufacturing company win in this tough completive environment?
11) I die design and manufacturing company level to a new level.
12) After manufacturing company is rectified and reform,[http:///manufacturing company.html] its commodity classics reinspects qualification rear but reentrance Beijing.
13) Enterprise resource planning software for a manufacturing company will typically process which of the following?
14) EXAMPLE: Our manufacturing company will soon start to sell product directly to customers online, hoping this experiment in disintermediation will result in increased revenues.
15) The company is Jiangsu three - machinery manufacturing company wholly-owned subsidiary of Enterprise!
16) We are a professional manufacturing company, having about ten year sales experience in the national market.
17) The meat producer McKechnie Jess took the prize for best small manufacturing company.
18) Guests included the local chief administrator and founder of the Catering Equipment Manufacturing Company.
19) Axcelis entered the market July 11, spun off from Eaton Corp., a Cleveland manufacturing company.
20) You have recently been appointed as a consultant to the Murphy Manufacturing Company.
21) In this chapter, we have focused on the application of activity - based costing in the manufacturing company.
22) Inactive one side is, unemployment browbeats merely no longer manufacturing company, and also browbeat high - tech domain.
23) Company hand model dedicated machine , laser scanning equipment, are a professional hand model design and manufacturing company.
24) No regional Bell Operating Company is presently allowed to own more than 4.9% of the stock of a telecommunications manufacturing company. See Divestiture.
25) It means so to the knowledge-intensive department, such as computer-software departments or bio-tech departments and the manufacturing company or public service company is no exception.
26) Li is China's largest electronic silicon and silicon wafer manufacturing company.
27) In 1993, the enterprises to form the " lifting Jiangsu Machinery Manufacturing Company. "
28) Richard Knerr and Arthur Melin, co-owners of an enterprise called the Wham-o Manufacturing Company, had started making slingshots after World War II with less than $1,000 capital.
29) But what started out as lab-scale technology is now a full-blown manufacturing company servicing the architectural and automotive industries, and diversifying into military applications.
30) Responsibility: - At least 4 years financial working experience with 1 year supervisory role in manufacturing company.