shaw造句61. His buying cooperative dropped Shaw after the company announced it would get into the retail market.
62. Shaw made the shot and turned to run down the court.
63. The foundation merged with the new arts center when it opened in October 1994 and Shaw became museum director.
64. Last week, Shaw announced that tripartite meetings between himself and the oil and motor industries would begin within a fortnight.
65. Shaw had been brought up in untold luxury and was used to having his own money.
66. Out of doors Shaw continued to look spry and active well into his eighties.
67. Would he change his mind, Shaw asked, if some one raped and killed his wife, Kitty?
68. Two months after her conversion, she and Shaw and Mary McLellan became the only residents at Prides.
69. Soon he and his wife were visiting Prides, and Roland was hunting and fishing with Shaw.
70. The case came to light at Liverpool magistrates' court when Shaw Bakery was prosecuted for a lapse in food hygiene standards.
71. Lucy Lane and Shaw were at work in Francis's room which overlooked the street.
72. Shaw was a good organiser and internal collator, well versed in computer mystique.
73. When Margarett fell into abject depression days later, Shaw was prepared.
74. William Shaw was a Primitive Methodist circuit minister who was born in 1854 and died in 1931.
75. John Shaw, the elected prisoners' chairman of D-wing tells John Earle, a life sentence inmate, what to expect.
76. He went back to find Tyson and Shaw asleep beneath their wooden frame.
77. Shaw executives hope the nationwide rollout of stores will revive the ailing carpet industry.
78. Literary giants have often been prime subjects for portraiture and George Bernard Shaw was no exception.
79. Shaw v. Hunt: Oddly shaped congressional districts are unconstitutional if they were designed in order to ensure black voting majorities.
80. Readings will include works by Shakespeare, Sophocles, Shaw, E.
81. That window was broken by Shaw Baw.
82. Shaw Baw broke your kitchen window.
83. I'm sure I don't want to criticize Bernard Shaw.
84. Bernard Shaw greatly enjoyed the dancing of pantomimist Vincenti at the Alhambra Theater in London.
85. Activity is the only road to knowledge. — George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist.
86. Only after seeing the film The Glenn Miller Story in 1956 did Shaw fit together the dates and times and realise that it was probably Miller's plane.
87. That's because Apple is doing just fine without one, Sterne Agee analyst Shaw Wu wrote in a note to investors Tuesday.
88. As George Bernard Shaw puts it, "The maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first-rate man to the exclusive possession of a third-rate one.
89. Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling. Bernard Shaw.
90. George Bernard Shaw was at the height of his popularity.