each year造句61 This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.
62 Under the official regulations the central heating was put off on March 15th each year.
63 Nearly 100,000 young people go missing in Britain each year.
64 The State Department issues 55,000 visas each year by lottery.
65 Half a million women die needlessly each year during childbirth.
66 Children learn in mixed ability classes and move up a class each year.
67 The number of people who fail each year is now in single figures.
68 The amounts of money involved pale into insignificance when compared with the sums spent each year on research.
69 You can just take out the interest each year, if you choose.
70 Britain produces 20 million tonnes of household waste each year.
71 The hospital obviously needs to balance the budget each year.
72 In addition, Congress must appropriate money each year.
73 Each year every household receives an electoral registration form.
74 Disney World attracts millions of tourists each year.
75 Employees are asking for three floating holidays each year.
76 Each year he sells the honey from his beehives..
77 Selling and administrative expenses for each year were £10,000.
78 Each year, without fail, a new set of alienating words and phrases is put into currency.
79 Each year the seasons would move slowly back through the calendar until Christmas ended up in the summer.
80 If you are aged over 55, Family Assurance Society will reduce the sum assured by £20 for each year above 55.
81 And an arrangement to build a sled for the race held in Aviemore each year.
82 The eel fry, awaited impatiently each year, provided sport and income.
83 Each year it belches out the sum of 325,000 tonnes of sulphur.
84 They buy always from fellow dealers, never at auction, and now exhibit at a dozen major fairs each year.
85 Each year thereafter new species blow in from outside the fence and take root.
86 But get your orders in fast; they only plan to build around fifteen each year.
87 Thousands of tonnes of nutrients and uncontrolled quantities of toxic chemicals used to treat fish disease are pumped into lochs each year.
88 Army bases compete for $ 10 million in prizes each year, based on how well they embody that value.
89 Relatively few people attend services in Moscow's 500 churches, but there have been millions of baptisms each year since 1991.
90 Use of the new nets has significantly decreased the number of dolphins killed accidentally each year.