fourfold造句1. By the late eighties their number had grown fourfold.
2. The value of the house has increased fourfold .
3. The population in this area has increased fourfold.
4. Sales increased almost fourfold in this period.
5. The fourfold division of consciousness has therefore great significance.
6. The true significance of these groups was fourfold.
7. This response was fourfold stronger than that produced by 4% ethanol.
8. Here he underwent a fourfold experience, the memory of which teaches me more about his experience and the life of prayer.
9. In the 1970s, assets grew only fourfold and there was a sharp setback in 1973 and 1974.
10. The fourfold increase in less than two years will be dwarfed if projections for the future are accurate.
11. Figure 6.4 shows this fourfold classification and the number of groups that fall into each of the categories.
12. In some cases output has increased more than fourfold.
13. The supply of fist grew fourfold there.
14. He acted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold.
15. That has risen fourfold, to around 800.
16. The mineral's price increased fourfold in 2008, peaking at more than $ 800 a tonne.
17. The price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years.
18. For a diagnosis of tularemia you need a fourfold increase in serum antibody levels.
19. These protective effects of calcium are not inhibited by a fourfold increase in dietary phosphate.
20. Coal prices rose sixfold, those of electricity, gas and petrol rose fourfold, and public transport fares were doubled.
21. Because of the number of peaks, the structured form must contain a twofold symmetry if duplex, or fourfold if tetraplex.
22. China is now Africa's second largest aid donor and trading partner, behind the United States, with trade up fourfold to $40 billion since 2000.
23. If this is the case, the plans represent a fourfold increase in the rate of ICBM deployment.
24. Within the same time the annual production capacity of a Bessemer converter has been increased fourfold , with no increase but rather a diminution of the involved labor.
25. In China, the number of urban middle-class households will quintuple; in India it will grow nearly fourfold.
26. But at its present rate of investment, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation projects an almost fourfold increase in the annual deficit of cereals by 2025.
27. These larger parrotfish are fantastic grazers , making the algae cover fourfold less inside the park than outside the reserve.
28. According to a recent Mayo Clinic study, the prevalence of celiac disease has increased fourfold from the 1950s.
29. Web - based teaching has become a growing global trend . This paper is fourfold.
30. Financial - service firms made hay. The number of equity mutual funds in America rose more than fourfold.