married man造句(1) He cheated her into marrying a rich married man.
(2) The former option favours the married man.
(3) I'm a happily married man.
(4) She had an affair with a married man.
(5) She's been fooling around with a married man.
(6) She's having an affair with a married man.
(7) She became involved with a married man many years her senior.
(8) A married man with two children!
(9) He was a happily married man.
(10) Jackson, albeit a married man with children like himself, had an incorrigibly juvenile streak which grated on Montgomery's nerves.
(11) A 47-year-old married man with two teen-age children became severely depressed after losing his job as an advertising executive.
(12) The Married Man is an attempt to flesh that story out, give it closure.
(13) A woman is in love with a married man, whose wife is in a permanent coma.
(14) He was a quiet, apparently happily married man with no enemies.
(15) He traded places with a young married man, who was to be slaughtered in retribution for an escaped prisoner.
(16) As a married man over 75 and on a modest income, you are allowed the first £6,875 free of tax.
(17) A married man living with his wife may also be able to claim part of the married couple's allowance.
(18) In days to come as a staid married man and paterfamilias I shall remember my darling Lily with affection ....
(19) Nina has a vague relationship with a married man.
(20) Roberts was then a newly married man.
(21) A married man can't even afford a good port.
(22) However, in his profile, he was a married man.
(23) Only yesterday-and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours-he had been a happily married man.
(24) Liz shocked us all by running off with a married man.
(25) Not to mince matters, I don't approve of my daughter going out with you because you are a married man.
(26) She scandalised her family by falling in love with a married man.
(27) Their suspect was a mystery man: a quiet, happily married man with no enemies.
(28) Over the past 12 years, the take-home pay of a married man with two children has increased by more than 30 percent.
(29) Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he's a respectable married man.
(30) The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord; the married man is anxious about worldly affairs.