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nothing like造句
121. Car ?nothing like a little ride under the starlit sky! 122. There's nothing like a shot of whiskey to whet a man's appetite. 123. America's rivalry with China (and to a lesser extent India) is nothing like the life-and-death struggle against the Soviet Union. 124. 'Oh yes; there's nothing like a fiddle, ' said the dairyman. 125. After a long day at the office, there's nothing like coming home, changing into a comfy T-shirt and sweatpants, and taking off your shoes. 126. While the idea sounds nice, experts say a person's memory is nothing like that of the digital device. 127. Nothing like how a 3 GHz Pentium 4 and a 1.6 GHz C2D would differ. 128. Think of all the money we'll make! What could be better than money? You may talk about your superstitions, but for me, there's nothing like cold cash. 129. Nothing like it has been seen since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when power-driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out in nearly a year. 130. These days American units get nothing like the recommended 2:1 ratio of dwell time to deployment. 131. It was nothing like the class of patronage which he had enjoyed in Chicago. 132. Players should replace their tennis racquet grip more often then they have their racquet re-strung. There is nothing like the feel of a clean, fresh grip when playing tennis. 133. Sure, football video games have been around a lot longer, but there is nothing like the feel of a 200 pound defenseman skating at full speed and plastering another skater into the boards. 134. Most dating websites are nothing like as harsh and judgmental as HatefulBastards, although fussy categorisation does seem to be the name of the game with many. 135. There's nothing like a little golden statuette on the mantelpiece to burnish a fragile ego. 136. However, there's nothing like watching the neighborhood kids splash around in the sprinklers that can make you forget about crime statistics and feel that all is right in the world. 137. Then again, there's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he/she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space. 138. There's nothing like an emergency at work to spice up another routine at the office. 139. There's nothing like the human touch. Show me a vibrator that can wine and dine you, tell you that it loves you and fix your fence. 140. But the speculation in the gold market is nothing like speculation in other markets. 141. For all the talk of so-called program trading back then, it was "nothing like what we have now," he said. 142. There may be more important works of art, like the David or the Last Supper or the Sistine Chapel, but for sheer charm there's nothing like these 15th-century frescoes by Mantegna. 143. There's nothing like the stress you get form having the bos riding along a long trip. 144. Nothing like this happens , however, when the Bengali boy is taught in English. 145. There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go. 146. In the words of the medievalist Norman Cantor, Nothing like this has happened before or since in the recorded history of mankind. 147. To relieve the stress of making vast sums of money, he said, there is nothing like zipping around in a copter. 148. But the fees paid to contributors are nothing like The New Yorker's. 149. There's nothing like a shot of whiskey to stir the blood. 150. However, most of the diehard climbers agree that there's nothing like natural rock.