快好知 kuaihz

31. When you're slowing down, use the gears and the brakes together. 32. Though it succeeded in slowing inflation, it also slowed growth and became increasingly unpopular. 33. Creed drove by, slowing down and scrutinising the open doorway before finding somewhere to park. 34. What was more the train appeared to be slowing down quite markedly. 35. A vessel equipped with Flettner rotors gains in manoeuvrability as lift is diminished by slowing a cylinder's speed of rotation. 36. Another sign loomed ahead and she frowned into the darkness, slowing up as she approached it. 37. A slowing economy lessens the threat that inflation will pick up speed. 38. A shopping trolley pushed along and then released will roll across the floor,[www.] gradually slowing down until it comes to rest. 39. There is no danger of it slowing down if we eat around 1500 calories a day. 40. On the downside, all say the slowing national economy will hinder Texas growth. 41. Some worry that certain pieces of the technology business could be hurt by a slowing economy and stiff price competition. 42. I glance in the rear-view mirror to see other cars close behind; slowing down but then speeding up again. 43. Strange, this detail at the two ends of day; the starting up and slowing down of things. 44. The pace of technological innovation shows no sign of slowing down. 45. A slowing in demand and inventories start to build quickly. 46. Instead of slowing down, the pentecostals are growing faster than ever. 47. Horsemen gallop along a paved road, slowing to offer tourists a trek to the Sphinx. 48. During 1988 there was considerable uncertainty as to whether a slowing down of spending was taking place. 49. Another factor in the slowing of the rescue work was the condition of the air in which the men had to work. 50. She gazed at the ceiling, feeling her heartbeat and breathing slowing to normal, her body quietening. 51. It is trading ahead of this time last year, when sales were hit by the Gulf war, but exports are slowing. 52. But a car was seen slowing down at what might have been a pick-up point on the A12. 53. She apologized for slowing him down and twice advised him to leave her. 54. The Democrats proposed slowing growth so the maximum federal spending per person would be $ 7, 200. 55. Meanwhile, auto sales are slowing and construction activity is weak. 56. That would be good for bond investors, since a slowing economy would help contain inflation. 57. This mechanism might facilitate bile salt absorption into the enterohepatic circulation by slowing intestinal transit time. 58. My watch must have been gradually slowing to a stop all day. 59. And though she turned 76 last June, she shows no signs of slowing down. 60. It had called for a slowing down of market-oriented economic reforms.