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election day造句
1. As you will all probably already know, election day is next week. 2. If you will be on holiday on election day, you may apply for a postal vote. 3. Clinton faces many potential pitfalls before Election Day. 4. Primary election day is September 16. 5. But running mates seldom make much difference on Election Day. 6. By election day, only 44 percent actually voted for it.http:// 7. On election day, the regime brought contingents of troops into the city to vote for its candidates. 8. By election day, many observers will question why Bill Clinton and Bob Dole were nominated and why they are running. 9. On election day, bands play in Treby Magna and crowds line the way to the polls, heckling the voters. 10. The election day was marred by violence, and at least ten people were reported killed in anti-government demonstrations in three cities. 11. The 10 p.c. gain since election day is looking increasingly sustainable. 12. With Election Day less than six weeks away, both sides cranked up their television campaigns this past week. 13. In the election day exit poll, two-thirds of Virginia voters expressed a negative opinion of Robertson. 14. Confident that he would win, he had a rude awakening on election day. 15. They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day. 16. The news came through at about five o'clock on election day. 17. The expectation in both camps is that a bombing so close to election day would mean certain defeat for Peres. 18. Or it may be that the race is in fact tightening up as the Nov. 5 Election Day nears. 19. Yet he seemed eager for what is sure to be a grueling contest leading up to election day in June. 20. Meanwhile, the voter information packets continued to sit in a warehouse as election day approached. 21. Mr Hague's meeting last week was the traditional one granted to leaders of the major opposition party as election day looms. 22. Why not send government poll-takers door to door, saving voters the trouble of having to remember when Election Day falls? 23. A challenger has never overcome such a deep deficit in public opinion polls 27 days before Election Day. 24. It was a strange feeling to see the military patrols in the empty streets on election day, 15 February 1996. 25. In 1978, many of them took their revenge on election day, and Perpich went down to an unexpected defeat. 26. But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation. 27. Women of all races, ethnicities and classes went overwhelmingly for Clinton on Election Day. 28. If the election campaign begins this low, it will sink below anything ever seen by election day. 29. In fact, large numbers of voters apparently felt secure enough to stay home on Election Day. 30. Such patterns have helped fuel questions in the black community about whether the vote was fair on Election Day.