快好知 kuaihz

181 Frau: Was tust du , wenn es der Nachbar ist? 182 Mist , Du musstest schon wieder auf mich warten. Es sind wirklich zu viele Autos unterwegs. 183 Mutter: Geh auf die Terrasse und seh nach , ob es wahr ist! 184 Eine seri & ouml ; se Auseinandersetzung gab es nicht. 185 Wenn es ein sch ? nes M ? dchen ist, lade ich sie ins Kino ein . 186 Ich ertraeume es mir und ich w ü sste auch in welcher Location. 187 Objective:To investigate chang es in T helper cell subsets(TH1/TH2) ratio in blood and its potenti alrole in the pathogenesis of asthma. 188 Feeder system was superior to feeder-free system during the culture of ES cells. 189 The volcanic rocks of Neocene and Eogene in Nanpu depression is mainly distribute in Ng, Ed and Es formation. 190 The ES technique accepted widely because of its wonderful imaging characteristics. 191 Mann : Wenn es der Nachbar ist , frage ich ihn, was er m? chte. 192 Lo que tengo claro es que un jugador cuando vale acaba jugando en un club grande. 193 Unlike authentic ES cells, their proliferation activity is not very high and they do not form teratomas in immunodeficient mouse testes. 194 Ultrasound mediated selective reduction is a relatively safe, effective and microinvasive operation. But reduction operation may induce abortion(s) of fetus(es) in multiple pregnancy in some cases. 195 In Singapur leben viele Volksgruppen, fr ü her gab es hier heftige Ausschreitungen. 196 And I'm on tonight, you know my hips don't lie. And I am starting to feel you, boy. Come on, lets go, real slow. Don't you see, baby?Asi es perfecto. 197 La verdad es que consigues casi siempre ponerme la piel de gallina con tus relatos. 198 This item has XX alias ( es ). These aliases will be removed, as well. 199 On Wednesday, Mr Ahern will depart for Dar es Salaam in Tanzania for a two - day visit. 200 What would you say are your strengths and weaken es? 201 Este lema resulta particularmente pertinente en el mundo actual, cuya diversidad es cada vez mayor. 202 An expert system( ES ) whose knowledge base and inference engine were separated was developed. Examples of ES in injection mold structural design were given. 203 Usted no es muy alto , pero bastante gordo . Su talla debe ser 34 . Pruebese esta, entonces. 204 "If he [Melo] is not able to obtain the samples in Pernambuco, we will try to get them in Rio de Janeiro and I am personally helping him, " Guimar?es said. 205 Objective To explore the clinical effect of double J catheter internal drainage used in pediatric Anderson-Hyn es pyeloplasty . 206 Es gab au & szlig ; erhalb der Kl & ouml; ster keine einzige Schule und keinerlei Gesundheitsversorgung. 207 Diablo Source: Es wird also keine ( monatlichen ) Geb ü hren f ü r das Battle . net oder das Spiel geben? 208 B - pues me encanta esta , pero con 50 euros es muy caro, ademas no tengo tanto dinero. 209 The genetic differentiation ( Fst ) mainly comes from the Es locus. 210 In these cases, the watermark detector unambiguously identi es the owner.