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for short造句
31. Thus some warrens can be emptied of their stock for short periods, and particularly so while the predatory intrusions continue. 32. We have been able to use it to take clients away for short term holiday respite breaks which have proved very successful. 33. Its Presidents now served for short terms, and were always very distinguished men of science. 34. It was also top for short breaks and business trips. 35. For short periods the dominant direction of the drift may be reversed by abnormal wind conditions. 36. Exponential smoothing would again normally be used for short term forecasting, for periods up to six months ahead. 37. With demand for short and medium term paper picking up, most issues registered gains of up to £3/4. 38. The vehicles will go through deep drifts for short distances when the momentum of the vehicle will carry it through. 39. Now then, the proper name for it is the Bureaucratic Spatio-Temporal Effect, but we call it Bureauspace for short. 40. Instead she has developed a strict routine for short haul trips to get her across her pain barrier. 41. He was accompanied for short stretches of his route by National Trust wardens. 42. Johnson is not going to give that up for short bucks. 43. Planning may also deter purchasers from undertaking opportunistic acquisitions for short term motives without regard to long term strategic aims. 44. Practise only for short periods, never when you are tired. 45. The excess fuel cools the engine - acceptable for short periods in the climb but inefficient and expensive for extended cruise. 46. There's also self-catering accommodation which is available for short breaks too. 47. Indeed, some animal tissues still practise anaerobic respiration - including muscle fibres, for short periods. 48. Coming back to the family after being away for so long except for short periods, Joe saw them with new eyes. 49. I charged over rocks and taking a run at sand, found that the wheel would skate for short stretches. 50. Alongside the new-fangled blast furnace the traditional bloom process must have continued to occupy many people for short periods every year. 51. We need to discourage the use of cars for short journeys. 52. The boy's name was Humperdink, or Dink for short. 53. Stock Index Future is called SIF for short. 54. Hereinafter called Party A and Party B for short. 55. Tadpole ( T for short ): Mummy! 56. Green Line entity for short signals. 57. Samuel is called Sam for short. 58. The National Broadcasting company is called NBC for short. 59. Plan for short term IT business of CFMA Mazda Div. 60. Before that,[http:///for short.html] the corporation should first open a basic deposit account or a general deposit account ("settlement account" for short) for the accounting of normal economic activity.