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121) The use of XSL separates the page layout from the program data, so you don't need to write or use an XML parser because XSL does it for you. 122) There are workarounds, like Ryan Davis' ParseTree which uses the parser of Ruby's interpreter (via a native extension) to get at the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for Ruby source. 123) Taking the project research of CWPS as background, this paper proposes a design of XML parser based on blackboard structure pattern. 124) An XML parser is implemented on the basis of expat library. 125) Similarly, the lexer has to know about the structure of continuations; the parser only knows that it sometimes gets additional text to add on to a header. 125) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 126) At last, we have developed a prototype system based on the framework. The system contains composed of ontology parser, conversion, file control unit and etc. 127) The component of the broker that converts a bit stream into a logical message tree (parsing), and a logical message tree back into a bit stream (serializing or writing), is called a parser. 128) In a tokenized type, the parser will normalize all white space to a single space character and will eliminate leading and trailing white space altogether. 129) The Lua parser uses only one - pass to maximize performance. 130) Thus, P::RD on top of Perl 5 is a powerful parser and lexer combination. 131) An operator precedence parser, the first priority relational table structure, and then write a program operator precedence parsing algorithm. 132) The word Restore tool, top - down parser, and graph - based bottom - up parser. 133) If memory efficiency and performance are significant, a parser that uses protocol buffers might be a better choice. 134) You don't need anything as complicated as an automated parser generator to do most simple, everyday parsing tasks. 135) Because this information is a few nodes down in the tree, dot notation is used to indicate the exact hierarchical position of the required nodes to the query parser. 136) A top - down parser will go into an infinite loop when this happens. 137) The XML parser (package com.icl.saxon.aelfred) reads the source document and notifies events such as the start and end of an element. 138) The schema in the parser step has employee information where each employee has a single address. 139) By default, the selected parser is based on the type of database that the script is connected to. 140) Instead of defining a parser class, an application programmer defines a 'handler' class that is registered with whatever parser is used. 141) A parsing program , or parser, is also called a recognizer. 142) Finally, the semantic action extracts structural information depending on the data passed by the parser and the hierarchical context of the parser it is attached to. 143) The design of VML parser adopts OOD ( C ++ ) and integration method. 144) Every element in your XML document causes the parser to signal a start element event callback to your content handler. 145) With Intelligent URL Catcher and content parser, can save to file , and edit easy. 146) The front end of a compiler is language specific and includes a parser for the given language that results in parsed trees and the intermediate representation (the Register Transfer Language, or RTL). 147) With a pull parser, the code that handles one part of the document can parse only as much as it needs and then hand off the parser to whatever comes next in the document processing. 148) The parser selected in the Validate statement syntax list has no effect on semantic validation. 149) Our syntactic parser is based on Probabilistic Context Free Grammar, for this mode is the better one in the syntactic pattern. 150) The selection in the Validate statement syntax list determines the parser that is used.