giant panda造句1. There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.
2. Giant pandas are indigenous to China.
3. Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.
4. They shot a giant panda asleep under a tree.
5. The giant panda is an endangered species. There are fewer than a thousand living in the wild.
6. Tourists come in droves to see the giant panda.
7. In zoology, the giant panda is Carnivora.
8. The giant panda is native to China.
9. The giant panda has become an endangered species.
10. China to mark 140th anniversary of giant panda 'discovery'.
11. One might say that the giant panda is fat and lazy!
12. As usual, the Giant Panda House was bursting with children.
13. Like many other species, giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) has been endangered due to habitat loss and degradation.
14. Giant panda , Ailuropoda melanoleuca , is a well - known endangered animal , which is distributed only in China.
15. The giant panda has already become a symbol of China.
16. Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is an endangered species that is endemic to China.
16.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. The rabbit anti - giant panda serum was obtained by immunizing rabbit with mixed serum of Ailuropoda melanoleuca.
18. Giant panda and spectacled bear are the earlier diverged species of bear family.
19. The little panda is not like the giant panda at all.
20. The giant panda is one of the world's rarest animals.
21. The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining, genetically diverse population.
22. Whilst knitting your designs you might spare a thought for Giant Pandas now very much an endangered species.
23. It was cooked by a woman, or something that looked like a woman but could have been a giant panda.
24. The raccoon Procyon lotor, is a highly intelligent carnivore, related to bears and to the giant panda.
25. The government set up nature reserves to protect the giant panda.
26. In 1929, Theodore and Kermit Roosevelt finally killed a giant panda after six decades of elusion and fruitless searching.
27. The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda.
28. 'The money is used mainly to develop protection for wild pandas, ' said Zhang Hemin, director of the Wolong Nature Reserve Giant Panda Protection Center in China.
29. Then explorers discovered the gorilla, the okapi, the pygmy hippo, the giant panda and the Komodo dragon, among many others.
30. Cool temperatures didn't seem to faze the four male and six female pandas as they arrived from their home at the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Center in Sichuan.