快好知 kuaihz

31. In the adaptive optical system, the fitting errors of wavefront impact correct effect of phase corrector directly. 32. Excimer laser aberration correction system includes two parts: wavefront aberration measurement using subjective aberrometer WFA 1000 and wavefront aberration correction using excimer laser system. 33. Because the ray direction does not consist with the normal to wavefront and the index of crystal is changed with the direction of propagation, the design of crystal components is a difficult problem. 34. The relationship between residual wavefront phase error and frequency response in an adaptive optical telescope is analyzed. 35. The pyramid sensor ( PS ) has the advantage of higher sensibility than other classical wavefront sensors. 36. A single shearing interferogram is not sufficient to describe a wavefront. 37. Based on the research of the present status of wavefront aberrometer, we do some improvement and develop the human eye auto-tracking system. 38. In adaptive optics system, the noise of wavefront sensor is a major error source. 39. Methods In this study, a subjective wavefront aberrometer and a contrast glare tester were used to measure age-related cataract patients and normal contrastive group. 40. The hyperacuity eye model is upbuildt by analyzing the visual resolving power of the human eye and the wavefront aberration of the eye model. 41. We built a small Hartmann - Shack wavefront sensor for measuring atmospheric disturbance characteristics. 42. Objective : To investigate the methods and effect of wavefront guided ablations for myopia. 43. The circular fringe of wavefront - splitting interference can be produced by an improved Mach - Zehnder interferometer. 44. Zonal wavefront reconstructing model is adopted, the least squares solution is applied,(Sentence dictionary) and the condition number of wavefront reconstruction matrix is used to estimate how its morbidity is. 45. The numerical simulation process of wavefront reconstruction with this shear interferometer is given. 46. Now, people are trying to use various methods, including the electro-optics effect of BSO, to modulate the wavefront of light or modulate its phase.