24造句181 The heavily armed gunmen initially took 24 hostages, but later released 14.
182 A federation representative is on call 24 hours a day by mobile phone.
183 You get instant access 24 hours, seven days a week.
184 The animals were fasted for 24 hours and then their abdomen was opened and the stomach exposed under light ether anaesthesia.
185 The proportion receiving aspirin within the first 24 h may be substantially lower.
186 The average age at which women marry rose from 24. 7 in 1975 to 26. 2 in 1994.
187 The transfer purported to transfer the property in consideration of the payment of the sum of £24,500.
188 Another holds 24 numbers tagged with the names of your business contacts.
189 The proportion of fatal and serious casualties to pedestrians fell, from 24 percent to 22 percent.
190 Using the bus wherever he goes, the Rev Harper travels to 24 old people's homes in Darlington as a chaplain.
191 These tests were repeated 12 hours after admission and every 24 hours thereafter.
192 Thermal stations burning coal, oil or nuclear fuel work 24 hours a day and their output is less easy to adjust.
193 I will be gasping for breath 24 hours a day.
194 The new Beatles album brings in an estimated $ 24 million in its first week.
195 The May figure of £6,659 million was a 24 percent decline from April's £8,728 million.
196 To provide a 24 hour consultation service for all professionals. 5.
197 There are now around 250 investment trusts worth a combined total of £24 billion.
198 The federal government already has spent $ 24 million collecting evidence.
199 TIMES$ A 24 character long string pseudo-variable which reads and sets the system clock.
200 Congress began on March 24 its debate on the plan, whose implementation would require several amendments of the 1988 constitution.
201 I was faced with the daunting task of learning the whole script in 24 hours.
202 This time it was passed by 34 votes to 24 amid wild applause from the public gallery.
203 The Commission has a permanent staff of 24 and, in addition, employs eight seasonal staff during the summer and autumn periods.
204 Arrowcraft have canoe and Kayak figures made from nails and coated in 24 carat gold, ideal trophies at about £10.
205 The important breakthrough came late on Oct. 24 following a day of intensive negotiations.
206 The fire alarm went off that evening - Tuesday, November 24.
207 There are consequential amendments to SSAPs 1, 4, 8, 12, 15, 19 and 24.
208 Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev, chief military adviser to Gorbachev, committed suicide on Aug. 24.
209 The amino acids from any one meal stay around for about 24 hours.
210 The government has allocated, for the introduction of the National Curriculum into 24,000 schools, the sum of £30 million.