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logical thinking造句
1. The adolescent, in a sense, is possessed by his or her new-found powers of logical thought. 2. The adolescent is emboldened with an egocentric belief in the omnipotence of logical thought. 3. But the trauma of even comparatively simple surgery can cause some people to experience short-term problems with memory and logical thought. 4. Piaget's work is important because it provided one of the first developmental accounts of the emergence of logical thought. 5. During these years, the child develops the ability to apply logical thought to concrete problems in the present. 4. 6. Whereas concrete operational thought is logical thought, it is restricted to the concrete world. 6.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 7. In addition, they act as obstacles to complete logical thought. 8. It is often said that chess helps broaden the mind, promoting logical thought and forward planning. 9. Again, both groups are above average in logical thinking, preferring to make decisions based on facts. 10. He was thinking while he listened to the logical thought processes of Leon Gusev. 11. She is very strong in logical thinking. 12. Mathematics makes for logical thinking. 13. Good planning, analytical skills and logical thinking. 14. Math can help people to practice logical thinking. 15. Logical thinking, be good at analysis and summary. 16. Quick learning ability and logical thinking capability. 17. Left - brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy. 18. Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk. 19. Good mathematics and logical thinking, command basic computer operate skills. 20. It is very hard to see difference through logical thinking. 21. Our thinking traditions are very firmly based on logical thinking in which we start off with a certain way of looking at things and then see what we can deduce from that. 22. Logical thinking, open and optimistic, willing to learn, be able to work under pressure. 23. There exists a bias in the translation circle:in technical translation, logical thinking is a must while figurative thinking is of no importance. 24. It includes the observation method, the experimental technique, the mathematics method and the logical thinking method. 25. The limitation of design is due to the finitude of thinking. It embodies in two aspects in designing: the limitation of the logical thinking and Ihe thinking in images. 26. Psychological resistant to compression ability the stability are good, have the strong logical thinking judgment ability. 27. Because shaving a skinhead, most of the time will not go out, they can learn English well. Li Yang, it is such a logical thinking too much ridiculous. 28. The understanding and mastering of chemical concepts is the condition to improve students logical thinking ability. 29. With regard to thinking methodology, fostering creativity requires the combination of logical and non logical thinking and the combination of divergent and convergent thinking. 30. All these facts reflected Confucianism's obstacle to the development of logical thinking in Chinese traditional mathematics.