leonard造句91. One lock is called the Hayflick limit after its discoverer, Leonard Hayflick.
92. Leonard : Yes , but our society has undergone a paradigm shift.
93. Leonard : How did you manage to get on the second floor of the Glendale Galleria ?
94. Elmore Leonard warns story-tellers to avoid hooptedoodle-anything that calls attention toward the writer and away from the story.
95. He made a home movie take-off of Puccini's Tosca with Leonard Bernstein.
96. I will walk out of these days to St. Leonard 's, and examine the girl myself.
97. Check out this amazing paper on the cleaner production program in Taiyuan City by Leonard Ortolano of the The Haas Center for Public Service.
98. Filippo Surano believes that the noblewoman in Leonard da Vinci's portrait suffered from bruxism, an unconscious habit of grinding the teeth during sleep or periods of mental stress.
99. Leonard: So, no, on the Shepherd's Pie. Can we move on?
100. Leonard Woolf : If I didn't know you better I'd call this ingratitude.
101. He invented an elaborate game for Leonard Bernstein's 50 th Birthday called The Great Conductor Hunt.
102. I walk five miles a day, and lately I've been binge-reading, wolfing down hard-boiled crime novels by writers like Elmore Leonard, James Lee Burke and George P. Pelecanos.
103. This was the Parisian home away from home of the famous American composer Leonard Bernstein, and it still showcases a grand piano in his honor.
104. As teased in the new issue of EW, everyone favorite creature of habit is parting ways with his longtime roomie, Leonard.
105. Leonard - Barton , D . Wellsprings of knowledge . Boston, MA : Harvard Business School Press, 1995.
106. One was John Leonard Riddell, who served as melter and refiner at the Mint from 1839 to 1848, and, outside of his job, pursued interests in botany, medicine, chemistry, geology, and physics.
107. In 1960, he purchased a Baldwin grand piano from Leonard Bernstein for a paltry $ 5400.00.
108. Leonard: Hold on, you actually want me to deceive your father with some sort of sham playacting and kissing?
109. At the same time, she felt strangely displaced, not quite her usual tidy ego but merged with Leonard into a great big protoplasmic, ecstatic thing.
110. Heyward answered evenly, " I'm grateful for your frankness, Leonard. ".
111. Mahler, who was Leonard Bernstein's idol has always been a source of inspiration to me.
112. Eventually, Skelton brought the B-2 Stealth bomber to Whiteman Air Force Base and quadrupled the number of military trainees cycling through Fort Leonard Wood in the shadow of the Ozarks.
113. Leonard: When the transvestite lived here, you didn't care how he kept the place.
114. Perhaps Leonard Bernstein did so well because music was his passion.
115. Leonard was working at his German. His mistakes made her laugh.
116. On May 5th, Leonard Stringfield releases and article in Batavia, Illinois about aliens.
117. It began in 2005, when Franklin Leonard was a development executive for Leonardo DiCaprio's production company, Appian Way.
118. Leonard Saxe, Ph.D., a polygraph expert and professor of psychology at Brandeis University, says, "Lying has long been a part of everyday life.
119. Leonard felt unaccountably happy.
120. Realizationis one of the five framing events dealt with in Leonard Talmy ( 2000 ).