快好知 kuaihz

1 Postoperatively she complained of abdominal discomfort and blood chemistry showed cholestasis. 2 Postoperatively, the patient complained of vague abdominal discomfort and the drain was removed after two days. 3 No bleeding, intra-abdominal infection and hepatic coma occurred postoperatively. 4 The chyle had disappeared 46 days postoperatively. 5 Postoperatively, the severe enophthalmos was markedly improved, and the patient was satisfied although an evident supratarsal sulcus was still presents. 6 Temporary numbness of the tongue was noted postoperatively but resolved within 1 month. 7 There were neither aphasia noted postoperatively, which gave indirect evidence to the accuracy of ISA procedure. 8 Result: Followed - up postoperatively nerve regeneration is good, confirmed by electromyography. 9 Postoperatively, there was no any brain retraction injury demonstrated on CT scan in all cases, no evidence of enophthalmos, paresis of the frontal muscle, as well as the damage to the visual acuity. 10 Results Postoperatively, 90.7% of patients regained good swallowing function and 88.7% of patients remained phonatory function at the same time. 11 Objectives ? To detect the change condition of stoma by laser welding and hand suture postoperatively. 12 Slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, Electroretinogram (ERG) and intraocular pressure were performed at regular intervals in all eyes pre- and postoperatively. 13 We describe the presentation, course and radiological findings of a young non-alcoholic woman who developed encephalopathy and MRI findings consistent with MBD postoperatively . 14 The X-ray films showed good healing between the transplanted metatarsophalangeal joint and metacarpals and phalanges at 9-14 weeks postoperatively. 15 There were no complications such as iritis, IOP rising, breakup of anterior vitreous membrane, cystoid macular edema and retinal detachment 1 week and 1 month postoperatively. 16 Preservation of the vasculature ensures tissue viability and more rapid resolution of the tissue edema that occurs postoperatively. 17 Normal CPB were per formed afterwards to assist circulation, hyperbaric oxygenation, sedative and large dosage corticoid therapy were used postoperatively. 18 A crescent-shaped marginal corneal ulcer near the sclerocorneal incision site was noted at 4 months postoperatively. 19 The biochemical results ( AKP, r - GT , TB, DB ) checked postoperatively turned apparently compared with the preoperative results. 20 The wet weight of tibialis anterior was weighed at 12 and 24 weeks postoperatively compared with control group. 21 Methods:Plana sclerostomy was used to treat 16 eyes from 16 cases of corneal staphyloma that were then analyzed and evaluated postoperatively. 22 Result Chondrocytes were seen to distribute evenly inside the collagen sponge with matrix secreting in vitro and hyaline cartilage formation were observed at the 12th week postoperatively. 23 Normal CPB were performed afterward to assist circulation. Sedative , dehydration , large dosage corticoid therapy and artificial hibernation were used postoperatively . 24 The early function of the reflex arc was observed by electrophysiological examination, bladder pressure testing and detrusor electromyogram at 9 months postoperatively. 25 Results The varicose vein disappeared and the ulcer healed without scar postoperatively. 26 Conlusion Vaginoplasty using sigmoid colon graft for congenital absence of vagina is effective, and dilation within 2 months postoperatively is recommendable to prevent stricture. 27 Methods: Propafenone and amiodarone were given intravenously to 20 patients with permanent pacemaker 3 months postoperatively in which 13 patients were with temporary pacing system. 28 The patients had SatO _ 2 0.94~0.97 while inspiring air postoperatively. 29 X ray, self - sensation, clinical functional evaluation, functional recovery of nerve were evaluated during follow - up postoperatively. 30 Total resection was performed in 11 patients, subtotal resection in 3, and partial resection in 1. Transient cranial nerve paresis occurred newly in 3 patients postoperatively. No death occurred.