快好知 kuaihz

1, Robert was polishing up some old silver candlesticks. 2, The brasswork needs polishing it's badly tarnished. 3, Our sales technique needs polishing up. 4, I spent all afternoon polishing the silver. 5, She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing. 6, He spent all of that afternoon polishing the silver. 7, He was accused of polishing off his former partner. 8, The butler was polishing the brandy glasses. 9, His manners need polishing. 10, He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so. 11, His essay needs polishing. 12, He finished polishing the cocktail glasses and lined them up behind the bar. 13, Theodora remained standing, polishing her reading glasses vigorously. 14, One of the Flemings' neighbours was outside, polishing his car, a nice-looking Audi. 15, There were a few people around, polishing and sweeping, and maybe spreading incense for all I knew. 16, Sheila and I were responsible for polishing the brass and crystal chandelier that hung over the dining-room table. 17, Quinn ate with crude intensity, polishing off the meal in what seemed a matter of seconds. 18, No effort has been stinted in polishing this painfully derivative picture as if it were a diamond instead of strictly paste. 19, When she arrived home she had found Larry polishing his shoes at the table. 20, The furniture was old,[http:///polishing.html] with the shiny patina of frequent polishing. 21, She was a general factotum at the restaurant - washing dishes, cleaning the floors and polishing the furniture. 22, This, in traditional form, is a treacly brown colour and lends a definite antique air to what you are polishing. 23, Jaq now surmised that Googol was reciting his own verses under his breath, polishing old ones, composing new ones. 24, Erch switched the radio off and resumed his washing and polishing. 25, The slope in figure 10.6 is not much changed after polishing, so the technique is illustrated in exercise 10.1. 26, Naxos supplied Crete with emery, which was needed for drilling and polishing the stone bowls and vases. 27, Whenever you visit their place unexpectedly it looks as if they've spent every waking moment cleaning and polishing. 28, Jeremiah was wearing his pin-stripes with the seat shiny from decades of polishing the council furniture with his bottom. 29, In this case, air stripping precedes a conventional biological process, while carbon adsorption is used as a final polishing step. 30, She could not sit down to talk, but kept moving around the room polishing doors and furniture although they already sparkled.