xx造句31. I am looking for XX to borrow money every day now, for mine underlain for making the engineering project.
32. Error temporary directory XX does not exist. Please enter a new directory in the preferences box.
33. The network consists of one switching center, 25 base stations and around 101 BRs in the territory of XX (rural area included), and the designed capacity of Phase One of the project is 20,000 users.
34. XX is the bottom lost of this box, include wine, no cigarette, betel nut.
35. There was a problem preparing XX for publishing. Netscape couldn't create a temporary file.
36. An error occurred while reading the preference file XX. Default preferences will be used.
37. We have appointed XX travel agency for a detailed 6 days itinerary.
38. Then started from the outside environment, the interior ability and the resources and problems of the XX Landscape Design Company, the forward integration strategy for it is worked out.
39. XX is the national companies which design and manufacturing professional high - performance stainless steel exhaust pipe.
40. We have received the preferential right document for N0. XX trade mark, and would submit it to the Trade Mark Bureau as soon as possible.
41. This paper provides an overview and information related to xx.
42. And human-computer interaction project in XX University attracts me deeply.
43. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by a LSD (Least Significant Difference) test were used to compare XX among three treatment groups.
44. Unable to determine INI file location. Using the default of XX.
45. A plugin for the mime type XX was not found.
46. The'Outbox'folder contains XX messages which are not scheduled for delivery!'
47. Conclusions This study indicated that some POF patients may attribute to low level 45, X/46, XX mosaicism.
48. XX production zone is the key production block in Jingbian Gasfield, which dominates the production of the whole gas field to certain extent.
49. Enterprise Spirit : United , devotional, and loving XX as our won families.
50. xxi:2 See Notes to Maxims ii, xx, xxii, xxv, xlix, li, liii, lv, lvi, lix, lxix, lxxi, lxxvi, lxxxvii, cxxii, cxxvii, cclxxvii,[http:///xx.html] ccxcv.
51. Up to the year 2005, XX stockjobber has begun to recombine again, and to advance to an good aim.
52. The internal processor bus described in Sec. XX is connected to the external processor bus by a set of bus buffers located on the microprocessor integrated circuit.
53. As a rule, they concern deviations from the regular female XX - or male XY - combination.
54. There is a rare condition known as Turner's Syndrome where a genetic female (XX) is missing one of the X chromosomes and she is known as an XO girl.
55. Introducci ? ? n general del Campo XX - Jefe de Campo.
56. Proxy server is unavailable. Try connecting to proxy XX again?
57. The numbers of the antral follicles of ovaries in both female XO and XX stimulated with PMSG were approximately equivalent.
58. What sort of work do you do at XX company?
59. This copy is the same as the original one only for file. Overprinting is invalid. Valid to XX.
60. Homogametic sex The sex with homologous sex chromosomes, in mammals, designated XX.