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jesse jackson造句
1. Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics. 2. Jesse Jackson, the renowned civil rights leader, was in the city again last night. 3. Jesse Jackson descended upon Hollywood to protest the almost total absence of black and minority nominees. 4. Other political figures are immediately obvious: an embittered Jesse Jackson stand-in. 5. Jesse Jackson ran a quixotic campaign against Michael Dukakis in 1988. 6. Where Jesse Jackson and Lou Reed share common ground is in the potency of their words. 7. Jesse Jackson has had entree to those countries and could be perceived as giving comfort to them. 8. Jesse Jackson supplied a picture that helped give the civil rights movement moral weight. 9. Jesse Jackson would siphon enough black votes to prevent Clinton from carrying any of the industrial midwestern states. 10. The Rev. Jesse Jackson led 1000 marchers through downtown Detroit to protest state welfare cuts. 11. Jesse Jackson led thousands on a protest march through Sacramento. 12. Jesse Jackson have criticized the president for signing the welfare act. 13. Jesse Jackson, who ran for president in 1984 and 1988, is a spent force. 14. That's how Jesse Jackson saw it, too. 15. Jesse Jackson, who knows a thing or two about waging a long and bitter primary battle — and about reconciling when it is over — said recently, "The winner really needs the loser. 16. Jesse Jackson has spent much of the day continuing to apologize to Barack Obama. 17. So did Jesse Jackson. 18. Jesse Jackson, a long term civil rights activist, was overcome by emotion as the victory was announced, and tears of joy streamed down his face. 19. The tour ended in Chicago with Jesse Jackson and Speaker Hastert, who had decided to support the initiative. 20. Jesse Jackson was instrumental in the release of some of the hostages. 21. Among those interested in the seat is Representative Jesse Jackson Junior, the son of the civil rights leader. 22. Jesse Jackson practically moved to New York to help Brown. 23. Fox news says the Reverend Jesse Jackson used the N word during a break in a televised interview where he criticised presidential candidate Barack Obama. 24. It hates the sight of the unemployed, and it hates to see them marching, with Jesse Jackson, etc. 25. Edward M.. Kennedy and an adviser to presidential contender Jesse Jackson. 26. In a way, he also benefited from two developments in the Democratic Party: the candidacies of Jesse Jackson and Geraldine Ferraro. 27. Albert Gore Jr. apparently ready to fall by the wayside – he can focus on Jesse Jackson one-on-one. 28. Obama said he did not take the remarks personally, but called them "historically inaccurate", citing past African American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. 29. The second day featured a presentation of the platform, and strong speeches by President Carter, Tom Harkin, and Jesse Jackson. 30. Last week, during the gay-marriage appeals in California, the Rev. Jesse Jackson called for African-Americans to support gay marriage.