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31. The boffin claims to be able to lower bust-up ratios by analysing responses to statements about their lifestyles. 32. Their lifestyles focused on the social networks around the pubs and clubs that had emerged in the wake of Gay Liberation. 33. The forecourt queues are a taste of things to come unless alternative sources of energy are explored, and different lifestyles endorsed. 34. Panhandlers always demanding money so they can sustain their lifestyles. 35. The crisis shows something else - the vulnerability of our economies and lifestyles, and the free time they sustain. 36. We have to learn to discipline our characters, to condition our minds and emotions, as well as to change our negative lifestyles.Dr T.P.Chia 37. The medicine-cabinet market also has been responsive to changing lifestyles and consumer demands. 38. Their evidence suggests that sports participants are healthier and lead healthier lifestyles than non-participants. 39. Lifestyles copied from Miami and Fifth Avenue are enjoyed in closely guarded compounds well away from the misery of the slums. 40. Compatible couples generally share the same values and have similar lifestyles and goals. 41. Thus the individual is bombarded with messages about values, lifestyles, and so on in a context that reinforces passivity. 42. He hopes to influence thousands of children and young people to adopt healthy lifestyles. 43. But three ordinary people with very different lifestyles are about to display theirs in public. 44. They are not as politically active as their better-educated sisters and they tend to be less tolerant of lifestyles not their own. 45. An abbreviation, It'stands for lifestyles of Health and Sustainability. 46. Chronic noncommunicable diseases have spread everywhere, fuelled as they are by universal trends, like rapid unplanned urbanization and the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles. 47. Importantly, patterns of physical activity and healthy lifestyles acquired during childhood and adolescence are more likely to be maintained throughout the life-span. 48. The selection of lifestyles is related to the informational support about knowledge of disease and healthcare. 49. I want for people not to trap me, totalize me in predetermined roles and lifestyles, to tell me that I have to resolve my deviance when they have constructed it for me. 50. Feyerabend advocates that reason and unreason both have rights to speak. He encourages various lifestyles and cultures. 51. In other words, television paints wealthy and upper-middle-class lifestyles as the norm and heavy watchers believe that it is the norm. 52. The chart below illustrates how different lifestyles effect the eco - footprint of each person. 53. I focused on health promotion and disease prevention, with special emphasis on self-care and healthy lifestyles. 54. The new urban and suburban lifestyles have helped boost public transportation and reversed a 40-year trend of declining transit ridership. 55. And this thesis probe into, from the design methodological perspective,[http:///lifestyles.html] exploring the relationship between modern domestic lifestyles and domestic appliance innovative design. 56. Injectable fillers and botulinum toxin are suitable for people with busy lifestyles who do not want the inconvenience of a long recovery. 57. These soap operas share some dramatic ingredients with the actual drug war in Mexico: executions, lavish lifestyles and international fame. 58. Proto-oncogene is activated and the loss of tumor suppressor genes, often with people's lifestyles and behavior of external factors. 59. As one of the Roman favorite lifestyles, bath has a profound effect on the society, economics, and culture of the Roman republic and the Roman Empire. 60. Mites have a bewilderingly diverse variety of lifestyles, from parasites to predators, gall - formers to sap - suckers.