快好知 kuaihz

1. He speaks in his broad accent. 2. He speaks with a strong southern accent. 3. Accent the word "woman"on the first syllable. 4. Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent. 5. He's always mocking my French accent. 6. Her foreign accent was barely perceptible. 7. He could mimic all the teachers' accents. 8. She found his accent virtually incomprehensible. 9. He had developed a slight American accent. 10. The kids all put on a phoney American accent. 11. She had a pronounced Scottish accent. 12. He's got a strong French/Scottish accent. 13. They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing. 14. I'm told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak French. 15. Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility. 16. Accentuate the word " accent " on the first syllable. 17. He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent . 18. You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all. 19. He speaks with a British accent, but that is just an affectation because he's not British. 20. We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables. 21. His accent proclaimed that he was a southerner. 22. The opening chase sequence, accenting its violent end, is exhilaratingly choreographed. 23. With Mars accenting these until the end of May, you've plenty of time to consider your options, including those that could disrupt other areas of your life. 24. However, with the precise Saturn newly accenting both life's details and the balance of power in pivotal relationships, discussions aren't just vital, they'll be unexpectedly illuminating. 25. Yet with Jupiter accenting new, and ultimately worthwhile, alterations in your work and lifestyle, you'll soon be exploring options that only recently you'd have imagined beyond your reach. 26. Most Pisceans are the soul of tact, which is fortunate since with Mercury still retrograde and accenting those closest, at work and at home, others are in a confused state. 27. Used most often with foreign languages, for example, in accenting a word. 28. Last June, at a similar event, Sen. Obama addressed groups in Beijing and Shanghai over the phone, accenting his own experience growing up abroad and answering questions. 29. What's more, with the communication planet Mercury retrograde from Monday and accenting your plans, mistakes and unexpected revelations could revolutionise your thinking. 30. After this, the next set of eclipses will come on December 31, 2009, in Cancer, highlighting your career, and then a solar eclipse, January 15, 2010, in Capricorn, accenting your home again.