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1, Amos quit the company, determined to go solo . 2, Amos Masondo, detained without trial from August 1986 to February 1989. 3, In the play Amos contrives a scheme to make Paul pay back the money he owes him. 4, Straitlaced Amos, for example, was less stereotypical than his pals, and Sapphire spoke nothing like her husband. 5, Mr. Amos Does my right hon. Friend accept that the quality of cultural life in the north-east is second to none? 6, While growing up in North Carolina, Amos was considered a child prodigy on the piano. 7, Well stirred by seals, Amos Lake was too murky for direct productivity comparisons with the other lakes. 8, Of the twelve Alexander children, only Amos remained in the town where he was born. 9, Amos himself puts the matter with telling simplicity: The lion has roared: who will not fear? 10, The fulminations of the Hebrew prophets such as Amos, Hosea and Jeremiah against the betrayal of religion are an example. 11, Amos Brown, a supervisor, also accuse Graham of failing to fight hard enough against the sin of racism. 12, The problem that Amos saw in the people around him at the time was that they were living under a false perception. 13, And He said, What do you see, Amos? 14, Amos faced me quietly for a while. 15, Amos will be used to test structural equation. 16, The pan-wisdom education advocated by Johann Amos Comenius is the reflection of scientific revolution of European societies on education in 1700s. 17, Amos Alonzo Stagg played and coached football for 71 years. 18, Amos 'n'd Andy, " Kingfish at the Ballgame" (circa 1953). 19, One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker . 20, This is Amos Diggory , everyone , works with me at the Ministry. 21, On top of this, Dr Brennan and Dr Amos both used a different method from deCODE's. 22, Unemployed radio disk jockey Rodd Amos, at 50 years old, takes a systematic approach. 23, Amos Calloway: Damn, kid. Lemme guess . Real pretty? Reddish - blondish hair? Blue dress? 24, Worse, he had sired a child by his own sister, in breach of the careful plans Amos had laid. 25, The interim government was not recognized by the major rebel movements. Main government leaders President of interim government: Amos Sawyer. 26, It was a day that should rightly be viewed with some trepidation, but not in the time of Amos. 27, Andy Brown, the gullible foil and friend of Kingfish, and Amos Jones, a salt-of-the-earth cab driver. 28, More than 40 people went before Judge E.. Mac Amos with a total of 100 misdemeanor offenses. 29, Then a Structural Equation Model was established and tested by using AMOS 4.0. 30, The opposite is nearer the truth. One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker . Jesus probably had his first revelations while doing humdrum carpentry work.