mental retardation造句1) Yet even people with severe mental retardation show a high level of curiosity in certain circumstances.
2) Those born with it can develop mental retardation, epilepsy and blindness - sometimes years later.
3) In some cases, there is also mental retardation and soft-tissue calcifications.
4) Excessive drinking during pregnancy can cause mental retardation and physical problems with the child.
5) Such lipid accumulation frequently leads to mental retardation or progressive loss of central nervous system functions.
6) Conclusion: The mental retardation is correlative with the chromosome aberration and the fragile site expression rate.
7) They are associated with physical problems, microcephaly and mental retardation.
8) Results In Ankang experimental station, these mental retardation population caused by non-specific mental retardation and endemic sub-clinical cretinism, have heritability of 86.
9) Low levels of copper have been associated with mental retardation, depigmentation, anaemia, hypotonia and scorbutic changes in bone.
10) Objective : To explore the correlativity between mental retardation, chromosome aberration rate and fragile site expression rate.
11) Aid workers say areas that were heavily bombed now have high rates of birth defects, sterility and mental retardation.
12) In this sense the world would be a better place without mental retardation, madness, and senile dementia.
13) Ohio uses local boards to manage its outpatient mental health and mental retardation services.
14) Other features include birth weight, growth and growth retardation, mental retardation, small head, round face, low ears, eyes from too broad, muscle tight low-end, on epicanthus , palm,[http:///mental retardation.html] and so on.
15) The homozygous mutations of ASPM gene are the most common cause of MCPH and lead to microcephaly and mental retardation.
16) This is the first Horse Riding program in China. To help the autism and Mental retardation.
17) Ropers told the meeting that single gene disorders such as thalassaemia and specific types of mental retardation are being ignored and that they are the "biggest unmet challenge in clinical genetics".
18) Lead is a multitargeted toxicant on organisms, causing effects in mental retardation, low function, hypertension, nephropathy.
19) The temperament - responsive teaching effectively improved the mathematical achievement of the students mild mental retardation.
20) Down Syndrome syndrome is the most common genetic cause of metal retardation mental retardation.
21) Laurence-Moon syndrome is a rare hereditary condition associated with retinitis pigmentosa, spastic paraplegia, hypogonadism and mental retardation.
22) CFC syndrome and CS can be distinguished from NS by the presence of ectodermal abnormalities, mental retardation and a lack of familial cases.
23) Conclusion The results of this study suggest that NMD is characterized by mental retardation, epilepsy and hemiparesis. Cranial MRI is the best diagnostic method.
24) Studies of family, twin and Foster child reveal that genetic factors play an important role in the etiological complex of mental retardation.
25) His daughter Laura from first marriage was institutionalized because of mental retardation.
26) For most, the worst symptom is a cold sore, but in some individuals, the virus causes inflammation of the brain that can lead to mental retardation, epilepsy, or death.
27) Objective To show the impaction of chromosomal abnormalities on abortion, mental retardation, primary amenorrhea by chromosome exam.
28) Special children, who are not able to communicate with normal people smoothly because of their dysaudia, vision disorder or mental retardation, are a particular group of the society.
29) Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation.
30) Survey On Physical Function Developmental Level Of Students With Mental Retardation In beijing.