taped造句(31) There were two pictures taped to the side of the fridge.
(32) This call has been taped, for the record.
(33) Unless you taped it on your videocassette recorder.
(34) Once I taped an interview with him.
(35) Fully taped seams on the Gore-Tex lining.
(36) Why is this envelope taped to the refrigerator?
(37) And when several events air live simultaneously, some of them have to be taped.
(38) It may, therefore,[http:///taped.html] be expedient on certain occasions to utilise taped material in a more selective manner.
(39) His action was taped by a college technician for Faldo to replay.
(40) Doctors are taped and critiqued as they talk to patients.
(41) The presentation will be accompanied by taped interviews with Avedon.
(42) She builds the story from taped interviews with 200 leading activists.
(43) There is also the taped evidence of an intimate conversation between Princess Diana and James Gilbey.
(44) Within a few days, people who call the number hear taped invitations to leave messages, which are never answered.
(45) There are two different programs, to be danced at different performances, to taped music.
(46) I, on the other hand, had backache and climbed it as though a cattle prod were taped to my spine.
(47) Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, in a taped statement broadcast at the news conference.
(48) One artist concluded his deal by standing on a cardboard box full of notes while Berry taped it up.
(49) Two days later, the taped conversation was in the papers.
(50) Krynauw Otto had his feet and ankles taped up, Teich enjoyed a massage and Lem started to throw the ball around.
(51) It is not known who taped the conversation or how.
(52) Taped sources can be effective, especially for pupils with reading difficulties or visual handicap.
(53) And him always bumming on to Derek about how he'd taped the whole of Brideshead Revisited.
(54) We had a couple of dinner guests the other night and we taped the whole thing.
(55) There, taped to the bottom, was a small plastic bag of amphetamines.
(56) As a precaution, I taped plastic sheeting over both seats, in case he got restless on his perch.
(57) Descending into the cellar of the palace, he taped a speech agreeing to free elections and other liberal measures.
(58) No filing cabinets, no taped phone calls, and no yellowing fax paper.
(59) A sprig of holly with three berries was taped with sticking plaster to the wall over her desk.
(60) Several other infinitely more damaging conversations involving him have been taped over the past few weeks.