快好知 kuaihz

1 Many states bordering on the EU are eager to join. 2 She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria. 3 Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith. 4 Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession. 5 The boy's reply to his teacher was bordering on rudeness. 6 He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance. 7 Sam arrived in a state of excitement bordering on hysteria. 8 She looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession . 9 The long line of hedge bordering the next field was a good fifty yards away. 10 She contrived a look of bewilderment, bordering on wounded pride. 11 In Modesto, evacuees from a neighborhood bordering the Tuolomne River returned home and found that the landscape no longer made sense. 12 The hedges bordering the roads are valuable from a conservation standpoint. 13 That seemed to me to be daft, bordering on snobbery. 14 Effluent from industrial activities in countries bordering the sea is also causing various pollution hazards. 15 Bordering the grooves are etched floral decorations, a grim motto being inscribed in each of the wide grooves. 16 Hostility bordering on open warfare is typical of spouse-staff relations. 17 The convention, signed by the six states bordering the Black Sea,[www.] aims to reduce current pollution levels. 18 It looks an exquisite mess, but push through the vegetation bordering the path and the undergrowth clears. 19 As a result you can end up with a file bordering on the megabytes instead of a few tens of kilobytes. 20 He has not even learned that Britain is suffering from a recession bordering on a slump. 21 An outstanding example of peasant political particularism had occurred in 1921 in the Tambov guberniia bordering on Kursk. 22 I mean, excitement is one thing, but this is bordering on obsession. 1 go over to his place. 23 The meeting hall was an elongated poorly lighted room bordering on bareness. 24 This was the sort of reaction that usually followed a burst of temper bordering on rage. 25 Railside Revival was developed to improve the old industrial sites bordering the railway through Darlington. 26 Infected bittersweet, a weed found along river banks, has been picked up bordering the River Ouse. 27 There is a danger of the conflict spreading into the bordering countries. 28 A government-run press centre in the tense Presevo valley area bordering Kosovo claimed special police had thwarted the abduction attempt. 29 Not so long ago, little-traveled S.R. 46 cut through pleasant countryside bordering the Wekiva River. 30 With expressions such as these, we are obviously approaching another transitional area bordering on idiom.