快好知 kuaihz

1. Once on shore, we pray no more. 2. Little boats must keep the shores. 3. The fiercest agonies have shorest reign. 4. The water gets quite shallow towards the shore. 5. The land inclines towards the shore. 6. He was standing on the shore. 7. We had to shore up the damaged wall. 8. Meg was pointing towards the far shore. 9. Huge waves were breaking on the shore. 10. Their ship is bearing down on the shore. 11. You can walk for miles along the shore. 12. Small waves swished on the shore. 13. We could hear waves crashing on/against the shore. 14. When the storm rose on the river, they had to bale out to reach the shore safely. 15. The mountain peaks recede into the distance as one leaves the shore. 16. We wandered along the shore, stepping over the flotsam that had washed up in the night. 17. The dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting. 18. My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "I love thee. 19. I sat on the shore and looked at the sea. 20. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore. 21. The measures were aimed at shoring up the economy. 22. The Dome was Ceausescu-land, a monument shoring up the fantasies of an old regime. 23. Shoring up demand is the most urgent task. 24. They also set shoring up their legal claim against Portugal's pretensions to the newly discovered lands. 25. Concrete will also encase steel components , shoring them up and insulating them from fire. 26. Shoring up Fannie and Freddie will also compensate for tighter credit elsewhere. 27. Vigorously carrying out economic restructuring and shoring up the foundation for long - term development. 28. No shoring of the cargo with suitable dunnage had been carried out to prevent any movement in a seaway. 29. The new public relations manager has the difficult task of shoring up the company's troubled image. 30. So far $350bn of the fund has been spent on shoring up the balance sheets of banks including Citigroup and Morgan Stanley.