快好知 kuaihz

1. Conclusion The humeral head retroversion angle is markedly variable. 2. Objective To practice and evaluate callus lengthening for humeral nonunion with large segment defect. 3. Methods:18 cases of humeral fractures were treated with self-locking intramedullary nail. 4. Bipod stands apart, apart is the same as humeral ministry wide, the right hand is raised up. 5. Objective To analyze the stress distribution on the humeral ectocondyle in different postures and study the biomechanics mechanism of humeral ectocondyle fracture. 6. Exercises to center the humeral head in the glenoid fossa were done to achieve glenohumeral control, and then progressed to more challenging positions. 7. Humeral ministry and the skin that the arm is in are gotten flabbily the fiercest, need exercises muscle regularly. 8. Methods 28 cases of comminuted proximal humeral fractures were treated with LCP. 9. Background: Biomechanical testing without humeral motion is a standard method for evaluating rotator cuff repair constructs. 10. Conclusion AO UHN humeral intramedullary nail fixation with auto cancellous bone graft is effective for treatment of humeral diaphyseal fracture nonunion. 11. The more distal the humerus was, the smaller humeral head retroversion angle defined by a line between the epicondyles on two-dimension CT method was. 12. Methods 31 cases of proximal humeral fractures were treated with intramedullary multi pin fixation through minimal incision above the olecranon fossa. 13. The posterior humeral circumflex artery common arises from the subscapular artery mostly. 14. With this kind of nail, humeral shaft fractures were fixed by inserting needles through the upper point of olecranon fossa and made clinical evaluation on its effects. 15. Objective To investigate the operative methods in children capitulum humeral fracture. 16. Objective To study the effect of cross Kirschner wire tension band fixation through elbow joint exterior and interior incisal opening for humeral supracondylar fracture. 17. Objective To study the application of unreamed compression intramedullary nails for nonunion of humeral fracture. 18. Objective:To introduce a method for the treatment of proximal humeral fracture-dislocation with closed reduction and semi-open operation and evaluate its clinical effect. 19. Methods To analyse the injury mechanism, operative methods, and follow up results in 48 child cases of capitulum humeral fracture. 20. To evaluate the effect of transepicondylar axis of different position on volume rendering technique measuring the humeral head retroversion angle with multi slice spiral CT. 21. Binocular 3D Computer Vision metrical method was employed to measure the displacement of greater tuberosity relative to the humeral diaphysis. 22. Objective To evaluate the articular surface diameter of the humeral head affecting volume rendering technique (VRT) measuring the humeral head retroversion angle with multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT). 23. Objective Based on studying the warming and ironing therapy in TCM, the electro-heating Bian -stone instrument was developed and the effect on external humeral epicondylitis was observed. 24. Objective: To search for the clinical results and biomechanics properties of shapeable elastic splint external fixation for the treatment of humeral shaft fracture. 25. ObjectiveTo explore the for dysfunctions in elbow and extension after internal fixation for humeral intercondylar fractures. 26. Objective To introduce a new surgical technique of replacement with whole humeral prosthesis in the treatment of humeral bone tumor meanwhile retaining the function of elbow joint. 27. Conclusion The curative effect of Float acupuncture therapy for external humeral epicondylitis is obviously superior than that of electro-acupuncture therapy. 28. Methods Retrospectively analyzed and compared the outcome of the proximal humeral fracture by the locking proximal humerus plate and cloverleaf plate. 29. Objective:To summarize the effectiveness of anterograde intramedullary interlocking nail for humeral shaft fractures. 30. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO), as a new fracture internal fixation theory, played an important role in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures.