快好知 kuaihz

1. Actually, Gauss was not really the first to use a geometrical description of complex numbers. 2. Riemann, who was a student of Gauss, initiated the analysis of curved spaces with more than two dimensions in 1846. 3. In his unpublished notes Gauss anticipated major work of several mathematicians. 4. Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss Gauss. 5. Little Gauss was very good at maths. 6. Gauss did see the most revolutionary implication. 7. Karl Gauss pioneered hyperbolic geometry. 8. Gauss showed him that the proof was fallacious. 9. When Gauss - Markov assumptions hold, we need not look for alternative unbiased estimators. 10. This is my C14 Impaler Gauss rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine! 11. And then a Gauss sequence is formed out of uniform distribution by a function transforming method. 13. Morbid Linear Equations calculation problems involving Gauss elimination method, Jacobi' s iterative method, Gauss- Seidel iterative method, steepest descent method and conjugate gradient method. 14. Around 1810 Fouriers , Gauss, and Bolzano began the exact handling of infinite series. 15. The Gauss noise, the pulse noise, and mixture of two is the typical noise model. 16. Little Gauss wrote the number in his exercise - book . 17. The siphon recorder, adapted by Lord Kelvin from the Gauss/Weber mirror galvanometer. 18. Fields in the range of interest are usually measured in gamma, one gauss being 100,000 gamma. 19. On the other hand, is a calculated result by measuring experiment, and it is more brief and persuadable than M 2factor, since the latter one is a ratio with basic mode Gauss beam. 20. Having analyzed many factors, such as distance, angle, element size, the number of gauss integral, etc. , which have great effect on the gauss integral precision. 21. If the QRS complex wave fails to match each template in the queue, then mirror Gauss model will be practiced. 22. The main structure have:Electromagnet and Heng galvanism source, numerical type Gauss account(the effect of Huo Er) and ammeter and volt account, have control dish of illuminate the system. 23. The equations are solved numerically using the method of Gauss elimination and under-relaxation iteration by computor, thus the air flows in every branch are determined. 24. The deficiency of scene navigability analysis is examined when scene is modeled by stationary Gauss random field. 25. Even in the umbra of sunspots, the strongest region in the solar atmosphere, the magnetic field strength is only about 2000 Gauss. 26. This is used to investigate the the load flow algorithm developed based on Gauss Seidel method. 27. At last , the reverse are solved by the improved Gauss - Sadal iteration method. 28. The tolerance of the BOE to the phase distortion with Gauss distribution of the input laser beam and the manufacturing error are analyzed. 29. DOC - Solving frictional contact problems with the proposed iterative method of Gauss. 30. Using the witten index for a supersymmetric field theory, we proved the Gauss - Bonnet - Chern theorem.