快好知 kuaihz

31. The survey answers have to be mailed in by this Saturday. 32. Lest her neighbours gain the impression that no-one ever wrote to her, she wrote and mailed letters to herself. 33. The Union-Tribune mailed questionnaires to every private school in San Diego County large enough to qualify for the voucher program. 34. Two days later Joyce phoned to ask about the check, so I had to make out I'd already mailed it. 35. But the study was based on surveys mailed to 517 clients a year after they completed the program. 36. I mailed the letter on Monday and had a response already on Friday. 37. This will only go to the small segment mailed in October. 38. She refused to say how many solicitations were mailed to names on the mass mailing list. 39. These young people will be surveyed by mailed questionnaire on three separate occasions over a two-year period, commencing in spring 1987. 40. Most of the bombs were mailed to bank branches or bank employees, but some were placed in telephone booths. 41. Are you using a sampling method for a mailed questionnaire? 42. The agents are looking for evidence that puts Kaczynski at each site where a bomb was mailed or placed, officials said. 43. The letter bombs were described as more sophisticated and more powerful than the ones mailed from Istanbul. 44. More than 275,000 recipe leaflets have been produced and mailed to key catering customers, giving eight new recipe ideas. 45. In San Francisco, new Social Security claims are being processed and benefit checks are being mailed on schedule. 46. The Nobel banquet was more difficult: the booklet containing the precise seating arrangements had been mailed out days in advance. 47. The status of patients is subsequently monitored by mailed questionnaires from our hospital's tumour registrar. 48. Horne's mailed executioner carefully cleaned the sword, drew his knife and knelt beside the blood-gushing torso of his victim. 49. It must have been mailed a few days ago, with a second class stamp. 50. Inaugural Committee organizers, who mailed the invitations in December, said they were meant as keepsakes. 51. Mailed questionnaires are inexpensive but yield a low return in terms of mail-back from respondents. 52. He needs to get that mailed off in a hurry. 53. I got a pound cake from Patience mailed in September. 54. He mailed his last love letter to Gabriella from Plymouth in 1947. 55. The Acme order? I mailed it out this morning. 56. The letter has been mailed through express mail service. 57. Has the letter been posted [ mailed ] ? 58. He mailed the letter this morning. 59. Can I have it mailed airmail special delivery? 60. A copy of the Consular Invoice, Commercial Invoice,[http:///mailed.html] and Bill of Lading must be mailed.